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  • 2 CAMELS IN A TINY CAR [/argument]

    I do.

    *You missed*

    No, just explosions iirc.

    The RPG isn't a grenade launcher. It's a rocket Launcher.

    Everyone I play with says I'm a Flashbang-Ninja. I throw Flashbangs randomly and stun like, 8 people.

    the AK-74u is okay. It doesn't spray as much. I like the M16. Failure by you.
    ELEMENT 115


    Lazy bum

    flak Jacket pro against a flamethrower? Sure...

    I like RPG or the China Lake.

    Then I would have Semtex'd them.

    hahaha same. I talk too much trash.
    All I have to say is,"have a round on me, ha get it cuz I, you know, awe nevermind f*ck you," -Nikolai belinski
    ur mom.

    My friend ((same one that claims I aim-hack)) ragequit after I stole his care pack and got dogs.

    I know but tell him that.

    *dodges and shoot with flamethrowe*

    CZ75 Dual wield? I don't like them.

    I laid a claymore and someone did a dolphin-dive INTO it. And then one into my RC-XD
    NOR AM I

    Meh they dont work for me.

    Apparently I have an Aimbot on according to him.

    Pfft. *Pulls out RC-XD*

    I don't use care packages.

    I am a beast with aiming, except occasionally Ak-47 because it sprays.

    dick *pulls out Zeus Cannon*

    But do you shoot friends in the face with them?

    Apparently according to him. He claims I never miss so its hacked.

    *pulls out M249 SAW* gg nub
    German and English is the acceptable ones. Except for my natural insertion of French insults into irl speech.

    Pff sawed off I used the Olympia on Black Ops and then got the Spas-12.

    BALLISTIC KNIFE HAX. I headshotted an Attack Dog with a Ballistic knife.

    Ja frauliche Schweinepest. *grabs PPsh*
    What no non-german languages here!!!

    Yeah I was crouched on ground in the corner flaming around while my partner focused on one barrier.

    I know...

    Bowie = horrible

    My computer auto corrected it but it means Filthy swine

    my teammie got instakill flamethrower on third level, when it was already a one kill. ((yes for fifteen rounds we both had flamethrower))

    Pff knife is beast but bowie... god I hate it.

    No I won't forget I'm unfriending you.
    Das Reinen

    Meh it was mildly-hard. It gets easier once you form a plan.

    I got Insta-Kill in round 37. So Knife was fun then.

    And what, you didn't have any respect for me before?

    It was Nacht der Untaten. And it was hard but fun. I did it mostly with flamethrower and knife
    Crawler's are too easy.

    dude, I've made it to past 50 on Black Ops and 79 on WaW
    That's cool. You get hail too, right? We've gotten hail a few times, but never sleet. I'd want to see sleet...that'd be awesome.

    Ah. Hey, a kitchen knife wouldn't be that bad of a weapon. XD

    Suffocated and squashed. :D Although I've heard that black holes may be a means to time travel someday...not sure if that'll work, though.

    That sounds really cool. How far do you walk, then? (Also, how often do you shoot the coyotes?)

    They usually do. The one in Los Angeles might have, but I don't remember. :D Haven't been there in a while.

    Oh, I forgot...I saw some in Las Vegas on a trip once, at a hotel's zoo.

    It would be. XD Especially if that Extremespeed was done by a steel type...

    Oh, true. :D That's not a good combination. Also, I've heard of drugs causing disorders like schizophrenia, or making them worse.

    I definitely need a gas mask! Oh well...he hasn't been there in a while. I may have to report him if it continues, though.

    Lol!! Ooh, Scottish accents are awesome. "You're a wee bonny lass!" I don't know why, but I've found that statement funny for some reason... :D Especially when I tell it to someone who doesn't know what it means...

    Your Russian one sounds like it'd be awesome to hear! XD

    What kinds of fish do you like to catch? I've never been a fan of seafood, so for me I just caught whatever I could. :)
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