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  • unfair.

    Pfff I know WaW Zombies is harder. PPSh-41 is very unfair and I love it.
    I don't know.

    I knew it. Pff Spy Plane hacks soo badly.

    Yea but I don't have money for live anymore. I might get some later in a few months.
    Ah, it's okay. Take as long as necessary.

    Are you using a DS or a DSi? Also, you might be able to just change the security type. I dunno.
    Pfffft suuuuuure. lolz

    Nah I've played Black Ops, and I didn't feel like it was worth the sixty bucks roght away. I'll wait to get it when it drops in price.

    And is it just me or was CoD BO advertised mainly around the RC Car and very little zombies?

    Uh. I have a piano lesson today, so can we do it tomorrow at, like, seven or so? (that would be 4 PM for you)
    *looks below* and speaking of battles with Superbird...

    I still have a gym battle challenge pending. You wanna figure out some time?
    Just as a warning, you have 3 days (72 hours) from this post to post your commands for your battle with superbird.
    Ah, awesome. Do you guys get sleet as well? We're actually in a bit of a heat wave. It's like 75 degrees out.

    Haha, really? Like...kitchen knives? I have a pocketknife somewhere in the closet, but I rarely use it.

    I think that's it. I've seen artists' depictions of what it might look like, and it looks quite painful. xD

    That's a good goal. My goal is to increase my distance. I hurt my leg, but once it heals I want to try a half-marathon. I'm slow, but I can at least do the distance. How many times do you run a week?

    The zoos I've been to haven't had any cougars, actually. I love going to zoos in general, but I haven't seen any cougars that I can remember of.
    I know! :D It was late at night, I was playing my Sapphire version, completely unaware of anything, and then BAM! Definitely a waste of a good coyote, the poor thing. XD

    LOL! :D Accents are fun. And so are quotes. :)

    Haha, imaginary people named Smith. That guy must've been pretty intoxicated :O

    They are pretty bad. I don't get why people derive such enjoyment from them when they know they're screwing up their brains. :/ There's some kid who always smokes stuff in the bathrooms at my school, and it's disgusting, especially when you have to use it and you can't if you don't want to suffocate.

    That is awesome! Accents (especially Russian ones) are so funny! I wish I could do one. Maybe with practice. I have a friend who wants to be a voice actor, and he speaks in Scottish and English accents all the time, so it's pretty awesome. Do you have any specific phrases you like to say? :D

    It is a pretty nice place. I've only been there once, but it was pretty nice from what I saw. Lots of forest and that sort of thing.

    Haha, that would be awesome!! XD

    That's cool. Do you fish in lakes, or streams as well? I've only done it in the ocean...
    Oh yeah. Black ice, right? I've heard of that. Some of our state's highways were closed last week because of snow in the mountains, and others people had to drive really slowly on.

    Haha, that'll do it. I didn't watch any scary movies at all as a child...nothing even remotely scary. But yeah, I can understand why they freak you out. Black holes do odd things to you, yeah. Like...I think it's called spaghettifying or something, when you're really stretched out.

    That's awesome. Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone is an excellent runner when they're fleeing for their life. :D

    That's cool. I'd like to see a cougar sometime, but not when I'm defenseless. XD We hit a coyote in our car once, but never anything else. Wow, nice job hitting one. :D

    True. That'd be cool to use. XD

    Lol, shoot him? Wow haha...and that, kids, is why you don't do drugs. :D Mine don't have anything overly grotesque - well, they probably do, but I'd leave if it got too gory.

    Awesome. Oh, and the last time I was at Jack in the Box, I mixed Barq's Root Beer with Fanta Strawberry, and it was actually pretty good.

    Yeah. I've been working trying to get faster, at least. :/
    Interesting, haha. Well, if you can play the part well, it's good. XD

    Really? Oregon sounds cool. I'm never bored with my area here, but I'm not a particularly adventurous person. :)

    I didn't know that! I really want to see if it works. Spelling looks right.

    What do you guys fish for exactly? I've been deep-sea fishing a few times, but that's it. Fishing in the mountains seems pretty cool. :)
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