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  • Ah, yes. Doing the videotaping isn't that bad, I guess. :D That sucks that your snow melted, though.

    Haha, that's an awesome quote!

    What's the scariest part for you about space travel, then? I know it's risky and there's a chance that your rocket might blow up, which is what would make me a little nervous if the opportunity came up.

    That's cool. And you would probably get better at running on the job.

    Wow, cougars. We're supposed to have some of those in the foothills, but I haven't seen one. I can't believe you could actually hunt them :D I would probably get out of its way as fast as possible!

    Hmm...maybe an anti-tank gunner, then. But I'm not really sure.

    Oh, ok, haha. Yeah, I have relatives who work in medical professions, and some of their particularly grosser stories remind me I couldn't be a doctor.

    I have a friend who absolutely cannot wake up without her coffee. Another reason why I wouldn't do it. But I understand that you like it a lot and all. :D And yes, both those brands are awesome. Root beer is probably my favorite soda (well, along with orange).

    I hate being slow. :(

    Yes, yes they should!!

    Well, my cough does sound pretty weird. :D

    Somewhat close to the Los Angeles area. I've only been to Idaho...once or twice, I think, and we were just driving through. It seems like a neat place, though.

    Ah, yes, the mountains. How often do you go fishing? Also, feeding seagulls alkaselter (not sure how to spell that) is supposed to make them explode. XD

    Wow! That's amazing.

    A Caterpie and a panda both sound pretty awesome. :)
    That sounds pretty fun. I am not good at acting myself, haha.

    Good point. Well, I suppose it's how you define edible. If you can eat it without becoming violently sick or dying, then it's edible, right? Haha, uranium. Actually, some stuff - like a live tiger - you couldn't really eat because you couldn't get it into your mouth in the first place!

    Yes, haha. I don't think we'll be visited by extraterrestrials anytime soon...but you never know...And the pictures all the satellites they're sending out now are showing are pretty awesome already. The universe is huge; there must be so much out there that we don't know about.

    I used to have a friend who would blow up model cars with his dad as a hobby. He was really into it. Me, I'm not interested that much by guns, but that's cool that you're good with weapons. You'd definitely be a valuable soldier, then.

    Oh, hunting. What do you hunt exactly? That sounds pretty awesome.

    Yeah, kill or be killed, I suppose. People dying is of course sad, even if you believe they're going to heaven. So do me a favor and don't die. :D (Not like you can really control that, haha.) But at least if you do, you're dying for a good cause.

    I haven't thought about it much, actually. My first impulse would be to become a cook or something noncombatant, but if I had to be a soldier of some sort...I'm not actually sure. What types are there? It seems like sniping would be more secretive...maybe? If so, I think I could do that, because I think I'd be better at hiding and long-range shooting than close combat. So either that or...I could join the coast guard. They don't seem to see much action, haha.

    Yeah, I could never be a medic. I'm just slightly germaphobic, so...it wouldn't go too well, seeing all the blood and guts and that sort of thing.

    You don't like A&W? I always thought it was OK, but I like Mug the best, I think. I'm not sure about herbal iced tea, but maybe. I drink hot chocolate, which is pretty much my coffee/tea replacement. (I heard coffee's really bad for your teeth, though, but I'm not entirely sure.)

    Thanks. Running helps me strengthen my lungs, although I'm pretty slow. I could never win a cross-country race, haha. Probably because of my lung capacity.

    I get light-headed too, and I cough. :\

    Asthma is pretty weird. I can go on a run and be perfectly fine, seeing as mine is relatively mild, and then I'll be sitting in class not doing much and I suddenly can't breathe that well. On the bright side, it's a great incentive not to smoke, haha, because then it'd get even worse. (My mom says that when I cough, I sound like a dying seal...)

    Well...Southern California, USA. Can't tell you WHERE exactly in Southern CA, of course. And yes, we sometimes get earthquakes around here. Yourself?

    Wow...snow in June!? We get down to 40-50 and ocassionally the high 30s at night, and up to the mid 60s in the day. Then suddenly, our good weather will come back and it'll be 75 degrees in December! So it gets cold here, but not that much. (And it never gets that hot. We have a heater, but not an air conditioner.) Sometimes, we get cold winds blowing off the ocean, and it really is freezing. Seeing as we're only a few miles away from the beach, my school is assaulted by seagulls pretty much every lunch period.

    I am just amazed you guys consider that warm! For me, 50 degrees is basically Antarctic temperature! I suppose you're used to far lower than that, though! What's considered a cold day in your area?

    And yes, snowballs are fun to throw at people. :D At least, when I visit the snow. You can build stuff out of it? What are some of the things you've made? :) I always thought snow would fall apart or melt to fast for me to build anything. I mean, I knew it was possible, but I've never seen anything substantial built out of it myself!

    Just wondering...do you guys have snow days? As in, you don't have to go to school because there's too much snow? That always sounded cool to me.
    Right now I'm in a relationship with a guy I met at the hospital, but it's not going so well. He asked if I was in love with him and I told him no, so now he's always holding it over my head and making me feel guilty because I'm not in love with him and he loves me. Guh, I should just stop having relationships until I'm sixteen.
    I was at first, but then I realized that it was for the better. I mean, I would've been giving up my entire life if I really was, and I wouldn't of enjoyed my childhood.
    Oh, that's cool. What's it going to be about?

    Yeah, I suppose so. Actually, I didn't know locusts were edible! :D

    In addition to the bible, we have other books of scripture as well, so it might have been in one of them. I can't remember the exact place, though.

    I think he could've put people in other galaxies first, yeah. Although it probably wouldn't be that far apart. I'm not entirely sure either, haha.

    Yeah. Wow, you want to join the army? I really appreciate what they do; I'd be too much of a wimp to join, haha. I couldn't stand shooting people, even though I know it's for the good of the country. Good luck if you do go, although I wouldn't want you to die!

    Yeah, Sprite is good. :D A few Mormons drink herbal tea, because it's supposed to be different than regular tea in some way. I'm not really sure, though. And tobacco is nasty for everyone and everything; I hate the smell especially. And seeing as I'm asthmatic, it makes me cough!

    That's all right. :)
    We almost never get snow here; it rarely drops below 40, and gets up to 60 in the daytime. So I'm pretty much fascinated by it, because I see it only a few times a year, on vacation.
    Oh. That's good that you can still see him, then. :)

    Yeah, the issue on malnourishment...I remember something in the Bible about Moses performing a miracle in which he got water out of a rock, and food from the heavens, or something along those lines. Of course that's only evidence if you believe that God's power was used to do that. My church basically says that people had shorter lives after Noah's flood. But I should look into that more!

    Wow, did you have to go to the hospital? How long were you knocked out? And I feel bad for you...all that stuff sounds painful. It's weird; I step in holes all the time while running but I've never twisted or sprained anything. I've never broken a bone, either. I fell a couple of days back on the curb, and I just got a few minor cuts and that was it. It could've been God; it could've been coincidence, or something else. But I really think it was God, who wanted me to live.

    That's a pretty good theory. And you're right. It does seem like the planets would be shredded with that much force and energy. Creationism (at least how I see it and from what I know) says that God sort of shaped it, like a project of some sort. Of course, nothing is completely certain. But I think that's where faith, or at least trying or to believe, comes in.

    And that's good you've brought that up. While there may be other planets with other conditions that can support life of some sort, our planet supports human life, which others may not. That being said, God said "worlds without number have I created," which essentially supports the theory that many planets with humans/other animals are out there. (I think it's in the book of Moses, which isn't in the Bible, it's in one of our other books that we use as well. :D )

    That is true, we will all find out when we die...It's a cool concept. Religion-wise, we're all going to find out eventually who was right. I really believe in mine, though.

    Yeah, we have to stay away from coffee, tea, Kronik/Monsters/etc. But we can drink soda. I don't really drink all that much (I drink crystal light and kool aid!) but I do like the occassional root beer or orange soda. Some Mormons don't drink certain sodas, like Coke, just because of the caffeine level. But you can definitely drink that if you want to, unless they come out with some notice warning against it, which may happen someday. (That happened in the 1800s with tobacco. After the scripture came out forbidding it, science eventually backed up the theory.)

    Thanks. :) I always feel bad when taking forever to reply to people, because sometimes when I finally do reply they don't reply back. So I'm glad you did. :]
    Now it is. Faulty pregnancy test, the hospital said I wasn't really pregnant when they took a urine test. I was very dissappointed.
    Ecuador, that sounds cool! Have you been able to keep in contact with him?

    True, some of the miracles Christianity teaches are a little...out there! As for the life of Moses and people like that, remember that there was less pollution in that time period, which may have prolonged life. Miracles happen every day, they're just not always...that dramatic, I suppose. :)
    Like...I remember once I fell down a hill while hiking at night (gosh, I hated boy scouts). I was unconscious for a few seconds because I hit my head on a rock. I gradually came to, and I was still tumbling down the hill.
    I basically said a quick prayer that I wouldn't get hurt, and a few seconds later, I made contact with a bush that somehow stopped the fall. So yeah, that could've been coincidence.
    But I didn't break ANY bones or have a SINGLE scratch on me. At all. Everyone thought that I was going to be killed when I fell off that ledge, and I wouldn't be here today if someone hadn't been watching out for me. And if I had died...then it must've been my time to go.

    So, out of curiousity, what is your theory regarding the creation of the universe? Space is so huge it's almost infinite, and there's such variety and flow to nature everywhere that it's hard to believe it just came into being through an explosion, at least for me. The way the waves move with the tides, the fact that our Earth is positioned in exactly the right place to sustain life, the way laws such as gravity work so perfectly...that's always been part of why I do believe in God.

    Also, though, it's really comforting to know that if you made good decisions here, you'll pretty much have it made in the next life. :D I understand, though, it can be really hard to believe in.

    Yeah. Since I was raised Mormon it's been a little bit easier for me to follow all of them, but trust me, I screw up a lot. But they do really help you.

    Oh, and sorry for the late reply, I feel bad. For some reason I couldn't log on here, and then I had homework!
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