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  • Sure. With your plot control you might even be able to find the place where your character lost his memory/had the type change. I suppose I should just wait to see the character; that seems sort of interesting. What type are they going to be changed to, exactly?

    Hmm... so I suppose your character is going to be fretful about things?
    Toxic waste, huh? Well, I guess that could explain the amnesia, but what kind of mutations? Honestly I can't imagine Lasvion having a lot of toxic waste, but whatever. Although I don't know all that much about toxic waste, so.

    Hmm. I don't think I'll be making a second character, myself. I don't like writing interactions between my own characters and honestly I don't know if I can handle another. I'm killing DotP with my inactivity...
    Well, I'm not sure either. I haven't used mine, and I'm not sure I will. Perhaps you could have a nurse Crusader or something? Yeah, waiting sounds like the best option. But who's your new character going to be?
    'Kay. Not sure whether I should reply immediately... I don't want to make a short, barely contributing post. But thanks for the notification anyway! Whenever I end up replying, I'll have her respond to that~

    Also, thank you for the friend request! :3
    Indeed! :D
    I was very, very worried when she was in the hospital and they wouldn't let me see her.
    Then I went there and asked, and I must have looked really worried.
    So they asked her if she knew me, or if I was just some stranger.
    And she goes "yeah she's my girlfriend" and I'm like "...<3"
    Apparently they're rather surprised there aren't! She took four extra-strong pills; the recommended dose for full-groen men is two.
    She is! :D She's fully better and no harm done~ We've been hugging constantly since she got out. Unfortunately today she had to go out but.
    He didn't, Bill just happened to have it. Which is why he's a thing you have to do to advance the plot.

    I just did. I told you the answers you came up with were sensible and thus that I agreed with them. :)
    Well, the implication is that it's a rather exclusive party and tickets aren't exactly the easiest to come by.

    Well, that seems sensible. c:
    To get the SS Ticket, of course.

    Anyway, apart from that people generally don't turn into Pokémon in canon so there's no real rule about how transformed humans work with Pokéballs, so make shit up I guess. 8D
    I don't know. Perhaps research into this matter should have been undertaken upon Bill before he was transformed back from a Clefairy.
    It's already kind of out of whack, anyway.

    is this the only reason you came by? :|
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