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  • Oh my god he's so cute. <3 I went on Google to find more pics and developed a new crush.
    instate a law that says old members can have new accounts if they aren't total twats

    (i assume you know who I am)
    Hehe, I've loved him ever since he was the guy who narrated my Harry Potter tapes (back in the day where we had tapes, even!).
    I agree that he could stand to loose some weight, though. Everyone on TV seems to be either dangerously underweight or dangerously over :/
    Haha, I thought it might.
    I blame excessive amounts of Fry and Laurie/Jeeves and Wooster/QI for my current obession with the lovely man :)


    I'm like a super- crazy Bowie fan; he's pretty much my hero...
    *I have a stock pile of starnge and random heroes, like, say, Sonic Boom, Muai Mallard, and Axe Hand Morgan... XD*

    I have two records *Changes one and two* and two "Best of" compellation Cd's from various dates... My goal is to get all his records of which their are about ten, I think...

    Let's see... I like, uh, all the music he did from "Labrynth" which was actually written by some guy called "Trevor jones"... I like "I'm Afraid of Americans", of which Nine Inch Nails wholly and totally copied their 'unique style'... XD

    I like "The Man Who Sold the World", which was originally written and performed by him, though Nivana stole it and got all the credit... XS

    I like "Space Oddity" of course... who doesn't?

    Also, Sorrow, Daimond Dogs, The Prettiest Star, Alladin Sane, John I'm only Dancing, Ziggy Stardust *OF COURSE*, Velvet Goldmine *is really sweet*, and my all time favorite has got to be...

    Oh! You Pretty Things


    That might help.
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