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  • Oh? What exactly is this "ASB"? But I do wish you the heartiest congratulations on your achievement, sir.

    As for the sane sleep schedule, may I inquire upon your current sleeping hours? Regardless, I suppose you may find a sleep schedule that may be appropriate to yourself whilst maximizing your time, if possible.
    "Quippy" is an absolutely wonderful nickname, I must thank you for coming up with it sir!

    And again I do apologize. With the advent of summer I do believe there shall be more time for tea and cod shenanigans whilst actually achieving 100 posts at this point.
    Bonjour - I certainly must dearly apologize for being deceased for the entirety of a good month or so, as May and June were the months where tests and projects began to pile up horrendously in a manner that may only be compared to Kanchenjunga in height, before creating an enormous supernova through a grade-wide Quebec City trip.

    And now I have returned from the valley of shadows - I must say, I have not forgotten the taxonomic project completely. In fact, a good sir on these forums names Zenigame - a friend I have known for a quite while - assisted in the clearing up of a number of things. At this point, however, I am not quite sure if he shall post within the thread.
    I don't know. I was reading an ASB battle between Karkat and Metallica, and I started really wanting a rival, and we both joined on the exact same day, and you're only a little bit older than me, and basically you were the obvious option.
    So now you're my rival.
    Yeah, I'm still getting back into the loop and I should be doing everything by tomorrow.
    Pinkie is just so amazing. She's crazy, has a bit of a dark side, YOU JUST HAVE TO LOVE HER
    Butbutbut my profession is a lurker! DX And everyone tends to find things faster than I do. x3

    Also, is it bad that I'm excited that we've discovered something new? :D Even if the game is on pause, it's really awesome that we have unearthed some other than the tired stuff we kept going over.

    One day I will be of use there. >>
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