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  • Stormecho! Are you surprised? :D

    The UseKeb thing is cool~ And ZeldaInformer seems to either be doing a shout-out or being infected...
    Oh wait, that was intended for you, but I thought I was talking to Omskivar when I wrote it =x Sorry, these late nights kill my brain o.o
    ...I fail =/
    Wait, what? I swear I said that to Omskivar 0-o Something screwed up, either vbulletin or my Wii internet =x Sorry =o
    Misclicked and ended up here, but I thought I'd throw in how hilarious it is imagining a Stone Edge or a Rock Slide made entirely of Dwebble.
    Well, I imagined them on the beach, but it's really up to the ref, since I didn't specify a starting point. You should be able to use Rock moves, though - the presence of Dwebble and Crustle was to illustrate that various rocks are strewn about, but some might actually be wild Pokemon =p
    o damn

    I love them, I got my little sister into them. I need to read SOTM.
    Correct. If you tag the thread yourself, I might pass it over and then your battlers' pokémon won't get EXP.
    I'm just being really vague lately, aren't I?

    Anyway, before these forums.dragonflycave.com, there was a forum that used a different URL. On that (less updated) version of the forum, if you viewed a thread, there was a list at the bottom of the page that said which users had viewed the thread, and when they last did so.

    And I was just wondering if you needed to acknowledge my other clarification before Mad MOAI and I posted our commands.
    I hope so too. e_e

    Oh god... that is amazing. XDD Such a brilliant explanation! Why didn't I think of this before?
    Well, turns out Jad isn't dead or ascended given he apparently messaged someone back with news that the cameraguy still hasn't contacted him.

    ...Still hoping there'll be some IG stuff soon.

    I wonder how those lights in Ryukaki's house were made? They baffle me and creep me out every time I watch the video. Also, he talks really quietly so I can't hear him on my laptop speakers... x3
    wow, that's pretty awesome, especially the full picture. I really love nightmare fuel.

    Yeah, that's Alex. I'm hopelessly obsessed with Prototype. Controlling a shape-shifting being that resembles something from John Carpenter's version of the thing = love.
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