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  • Indeed.

    I know right...For the longest time I wouldn't watch the movie cause My sister,she read the books too and told me all the things they added and left out and when I finally watched it I was like "o.o...This isnt Percy Jackson at all...." xD...But yeahh.

    I always do that...It's nice to think that way though. Most of my friends and people I know,they listen to music and when I tell them my thoughts and how it can relate to things and such as that,they're like "How the hell did you get that out of a song?" xD...So. I have alot of respect for people who,not only listen to music,but can sorta..feel with it? Too? and relate with it..you know what I mean? But yeah. /rambling. xD Im just saying.
    I do that same thing with music. Alot of my relatable lines are in Paramore,and Flyleaf,But I love when I'll listen to a new song that has an EXACT description of what I'm feeling? I normally fall in love with the band after that. xD :3 But yeah,I get what you mean,basically. xD
    Yes >.> Such Annoyance.

    Havent heard of the other two,but I have read Percy Jackson. :D Probably My favorite,after Harry Potter. Those books were freaking amazing.

    Ooh. Okie. :3 That was awesome,I like their style. Sweet music video as well. xD Im gonna listen to a few others of theirs. x)
    Ehh. There's just something about nickelback's voice that I really can't stand,which ruins it for me. Never really did like him/them/whatever. xD Taylor Swift,however,I listen to sometimes. Only really cause,don't laugh but,a few of her songs are a bit relatable. :3 Its just,not her older stuff. Her older stuff when she still classified as country,it drives me mad cause she used to do that 'try so hard to be country and miserably fail' thing that everyone else does,like the accent and desperation..its a bit pathetic. Her more recent stuff isnt really like that,which is probably why its my only 'country' exception,really xD But yeah.
    What I don't understand is,how ANYONE could just NOT listen to music? O_O xD..
    I've never met anyone who doesn't listen to some kind. I dont know how that'd even work out..o.o I'd go mad. Uhhh. xD
    xD My brother does little things like that. Pisses me off,I have an awful temper when it comes to things like that. >.> He just gloats,cuz he'll find my weakness and take his time destorying me,all the while mocking me and its just...ugh. XD Tis so frustrating.

    That would be amazing,thank you. :3 Cuz I know Ill be done with this pretty soon,I finished the first book in no time XD

    No,no,its good! Im that same way XD I felt like I'd rambled on,so,its nice that Im not the only one with so much to say XD Especially when It comes to music,cuz I could honestly go on and on with that xD..So :D
    Yes,all those bands are amazing o.o I've never heard anything by Panic! at the disco,though xD..But I know so many people who love them so much,I guess I'm going to have to look something of their's up? xD
    And yeah,The problem with country lately is they don't even try anymore. >.> They get away with wearing cowboy hats and calling themselves southern when they aren't even FROM the south or have the first clue as to how anything down here goes,whining,moaning,attempting their most thick and fake country accent they can manage,and going on about partying and drinking and girls and thats ALL. THEY WRITE ABOUT. ANYMORE. Which,I dunno,maybe its just me,but it gets so old...u.u xD
    But there's still some good of it out there. Hardly,though. Overall? Just...no. xD -sorryformysuperlongrantohmygosh- xD
    I think I know what youre talking about...but still have no idea what its called. xD

    Yes! I cant wait o.o...

    Yes,Lets see. Uhm...I love a ton of stuff o.o I love music. But,I guess my main favorite genres are...Contemporary Christian. And alternative. And Grunge. x3 Uh..Skillet,Paramore,Toby Mac,Nirvana,Flyleaf,Owl City,Breanne Düren,those are my favorite artists,tis a weird mixture I suppose,but yes :3 I like pretty much everything. Except country. Theres very little country I actually enjoy. But yeah..Those are just my favorites. How about you? :D
    Are you referring to the arrows? The..um..blue streaky things? *Way to be precise and specific,eh.*

    The hunger games :D Thats the name of the first book,anyways...? Not exactly sure if its the name of the series as well,or..xD
    But yeah. :3 You heard of it/read it/despise it/love it/eh? XD

    O_O Uhm. Okay. I don't read much fan fiction at all anymore,though,soo. xD..
    Cuz I recently started another series x]
    Pit FTW :D *cough*

    Yes,I know right x] Unfortunately,no more....
    Fan fiction is now our only hope. D: NONONONOOO. Tisn't the same. :'
    XD! Nice. xD

    Ooh..xD I know right? Me too...I think I was 9,9 or 10 when I first started the series,I think all the books were out then but the last one,and I'd finished them to quickly cuz then I was dying for the last one to come out already xD But yeah. That was the first series I really got into,I can understand the whole growing up with those books,cuz it was the same way for me :3 Yeah..D:
    Mine's Pit,definitely. And yesh. :3

    You too?! I'm so jealous D: I want to go see it so bad,I can't go though xD...Not while they show it in the movies. I have to wait for it to come out on dvd. x3 It's kinda depressing this is the last one,though. u.u The books were better,anyway,though,in my opinion. :3
    Yes! Mine too! xD Except,I dont own the game >.> We rented it,I need to get it though. Its definitely one of my favorites. x3
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