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  • Speaking of which, did anything ever happen with that pokécentric fic contest on Serebii? I haven't read any of the entries myself (or logged on to Serebii since... whenever it was I posted that question, ololol), but it looked like an interesting challenge.
    Pretty much. The only things I saw that looked up my alley were a story about Giovanni and his persian (animéverse, but it still looked cool and wasn't shippy so autopoints for that) and this thing about Lt. Surge attaching himself to some police investigation Looker was doing in Vermilion—really liked that idea, but it's definitely not open at this point.

    ...and interestingly, had I actually managed my idea I think I would've had the only pokémon-centric fic aside from maybe that persian thing. Probably also fairly typical of things like this, I would imagine.

    Yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to sort all that out at some point and still write something so the ideas that I did like don't go to waste. y u have to be all disjointed and flipped turnways, story, y u not cohesive anymore. :/
    Yeah, I guess there is that. On the one hand I'd feel bad for bailing, but on the other I'm just not feeling the story anymore—it keeps wanting to turn into two separate stories that won't hit 10K words, and I'm currently out of appropriate ideas involving canon characters—and it's not like I have a team assembled anyway. Eh. Was tempted to at least beta for someone instead, but like the only non-shippy story that was still looking for someone already has a beta reader and now it's apparently too late. Oh, well! What will be will be, I guess.

    And all right. Let me know if you still need someone after he's done with that round.
    Unfortunately most of this stuff isn't really droppable at this point, but I'm trying not to totally overwork myself, anyway.

    Which makes the following question hypocritical, but since I should be able to manage: have you had someone offer to e-ref you vs Blazhy yet, or heard from Chiropter about it? I'm sure he's interested in continuing, but if you really need to move things along and he's busy then I could probably handle it for a round or two.
    Mmkay. I got the impression from your Absence Sheet post that you'd be quite a bit busier than you have been, and stuff like that might be put on hold.
    Yup! On break, however woefully short that break may be. And trying really hard to actually get my huge Backlog of Everything Ever cleared out of the way so I'm not overloaded with all that + school when I start back. ;~; Spent all Friday attempting to clean my room, or at least enough of it to reorganize my bookshelves properly. Spent all Saturday being in pain from the contortion act said cleaning required, and then all Sunday goofing off and being distracted by about twelve new things I really don't need to add to my backlog! So I'm not really sure how successful this weekend was as a whole, but eh, I still have two-ish weeks to keep trying!
    Eh, a two-second glance at Google shows me a bunch of people emphatically stating that DSs can connect at Starbucks, but they may just be assuming that because the access settings are compatible without considering that you probably need a browser. No real telling unless you ask/try, though, I guess.
    Not sure if Starbucks's wi-fi works with DSs; it's been a while since I've been in one. I'm not sure you have to buy something, though...? I've only used internet there once, and I've only bought something there once, and I don't think those two events coincided. The Starbucks site is at least implying that it's completely free, but that may change from store to store. It's also implying that you need to "click connect" on whatever page opens when you start your browser, though, so it may not be possible to get it working on a DS after all. Ah, well.
    Ah, right. Well, that's lame. :/ They don't have any cafés or McDonalds or anything on/near campus?

    They didn't release them internationally, is the thing. :D Dunno if you remember seeing the news about the "Pokémon Café" temporary DW expansion that was in Japan until last month or so, but eevee were some of the pokémon you could find wild there. Still took a lot of looking because ew gender ratio, but I did manage to get one! Missed out on easy access to a DW poliwhirl from the same expansion thanks to never playing, but eh, you can technically work your way up to being able to find poliwag in the English version anyway so if I'm dying for a drizzletoed then there's that.

    Why... why would the department do that. I am confused.
    It wasn't iirc, but on the other hand I'm not exactly going to miss it. >>;

    Well, if you need any DW pokémon you can... well, you can ask, but le infrequent visiting probably means I won't have access to anything particularly fancy so you're probably better off bumming things from LJ/Smogonites, heh. I do still have that female DW eevee wasting away in the forest in my Japanese game, anyway, so I can attempt to make an army of espeon and vaporeon or something if you want!

    Ghost Trick and grad school. We're never going to see you again, are we.

    That's cool! Not... really sure why you'd learn that if you're studying biology, but hey, any excuse to learn how to be obscenely rich, right?
    Ayup, all generations, no ubers. Pretty cool; also cool how DW abilities are allowed, though that means like nothing to me atm because I never remember to use the Dream World, ahaha. (Need to hurry and grab some of those c-gear skins quick so I'm not stuck with the nauseating default girl theme any longer ><; remind me never to be a girl in BW ever again) Also interesting how they banned dark void this time around. That's... pretty awesome.

    Haven't sent the game yet, just fyi, because some stuff came up this weekend; I know you're on the verge of being obscenely busy, but I'mma still try and get it to you soon just so you have it there whenever the odd spot of downtime crops up. (So I guess you won't be practicing then, either, will you. :P)

    How was the first day of ~grad school~, by the way?
    Thank you! That's what I guessed, but wasn't sure. edit; just realized I said thank you two times in a row
    Thank you!

    Does the same apply to DQ situations, then? I recall someone saying it differed depending on the situation.
    ASB question.

    Um, how is EXP distributed? I searched around a little and didn't find anything -- just referees' pay for each round.
    Negrek I have noticed a problem!
    the descriptions for the wings from my shop are missing information; they neglect the part at the end "and will deal an extra <whatever>% damage when using flying-type attacks."
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