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  • You mean you haven't gotten around to keeping a small notebook on your person, carrying it everywhere with you, and writing things in it as they occur to you? It doesn't even have to be one of those yearly diaries; mine has the words 'reporters notebook' on the front cover and is held together by... Well, string at the moment.

    It used to be one of those cheap notebooks with the spiral of wire in the top. I don't even think of it as a journal; it's just a notebook for... stuff.
    Good. One of my friends from another site just joined. She is the creator of Dementia in the RP. Why not try and get to knoow her? She's Ulqi-Chan. =P
    Turn your to-do list into your journal? That's how mine started; I got a notebook to keep things organised, like shopping lists and plot ideas, and six months later I suddenly realised I was keeping a journal. It felt a bit weird, truth be told, and it's utterly full of post-it notes and interesting bits of string.
    You're only pathetic if you stop trying after you fail. I think you're definitely still trying.

    Do your parents have a tendency to overreact and cause embarrassment? If so, then I suggest at least keeping a journal; sometimes the act of telling someone something, even if it's just writing in a book, helps to clear your mind and let it work out what to do next. You never know, it might help. Get an easily-identifiable notebook that you can recognise instantly as your journal; you don't want to go mixing it up with anything else and potentially giving someone a glimpse into your private thoughts and feelings.
    Okay. So it's private, in that you don't want it getting out around your friends in case they worry, but your close family know about it. Is that a fair assessment?

    My advice would be to find someone you trust would keep it a secret and talk with them about it. Preferably someone outside of the internet
    "I'm serious"

    This is the time I should stop saying what I do
    :0 what no :o not that :O I don't know how to do the right face but...

    He is getting in the way! So I went just checking...

    :( But you are in the stalker group!
    No, but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to unload. Just remember that everyone can see this conversation if they look at either one of our profiles; so no private stuff. Also, you're talking to a complete stranger, and I may not be trustworthy.

    Keep that in mind.
    I agree. I think I'll put an allergy advice label in my sig.

    Anywhoo! How are you feeling today?

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