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  • So I heven't done any homework yet. And Spunky, you stay on insanely late! As cheesecake's mom says, "Young girls like you need your sleep!"
    Little and I were talking and she was like, "Alikeness". Um, that's all.
    ...stuff...No, I was just really confused. About life. See my CC thread.
    Yeah, I was like, having a meltdown so I just submitted a blank form to reserve my spot.
    Yes. I don't like the way some few people swear by online personality tests that are supposed to be fun, so I've put every possible result in there. Sometimes I get two different signatures on the same page in a thread.

    If someone links an astrology test in the forum, I'm going in there and making my sig randomly show all twelve, to really confuse people who take that kind of thing seriously. It's a bit of a jerk move, I know, but I disagree that people can tell the future by looking at the ghosts of long-dead stars. And I'm certain that the world contains far more than a mere twelve personality types, too.
    Not really. I'm apparently pretty experienced at finding things out on new forums. The Search function is so useful here, and the Random tag is so much fun to work with; I've already put a pretty bad ongoing joke in my signature with it.
    Vegetal and Piccolo, specifically because, when I'm not being released crazy oddball, I'm a big old grouchy pouch like them. THANK GOD I don't show you guys that side if me...But DarkAura has seen it once or twice. It ain't pretty.
    In all honesty? It's quieter than I'm used to, and the trolls are fairly easy to spot and keep track of. So far I think I've seen two, but I'm not entirely certain that they're very experienced. It doesn't usually take something as tame as a dictionary definition to chase one away.

    So I'm enjoying it immensely.
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