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  • Well, I guess the question is more of why $60? And spending 10 minutes/essay isn't that bad. They're not like five page long essays, and 10 minutes is definitely enough to read through one.

    You're asian. You always have homework.
    But that doesn't have anything to do with anything? I mean, why would the essay readers be paid $60 per hour? And why would that mean that they read 6 essays per hour?

    Spring break! What lies. Go do your homework.
    We didn't really take many pictures, from what I remember. I'll see if I can scrounge up a few.

    Well, we're currently debating what we're going to do. Originally we were going to take the I-5 (at least until the coast) both ways, then we decided to take the ferry down to Port Angeles instead on the way there. Now we might do that as well on the way back, as it would work into our schedule.
    Well, you're assuming a lot of things about the way colleges consider applicants here! You're assuming that they read 6 essays per hour, and essay-reading is the only thing they do.

    :( You actually have time to be unproductive. I am jelly.
    I don't want to pay Stanford $90 for them to read my 9 essays :\

    Anyhow, I'm feeling guilty about socializing instead of doing homework :( Time to pretend to be productive for a while.
    Yup! Who cured cancer and stuff!

    It's more of the 9 essays and $90 part.

    "My advisor told me to drop a class I was doing well in to focus on a class I was failing in my major. It didn’t work. FML"
    :( are you becoming a res

    Nope! It had like 9 essays and the application fee is like $90, so I didn't even bother to try since I'll just get rejected.

    "Freshman 15 turned into Sophomore 20 turned into Junior 45. FML."

    "I tried to get a good night’s sleep. Went to bed at 1:30am, woke up at 4:30. My body won’t let me sleep for more than three hours. FML"
    Try the middle of nowhere. It's less suspicious that way.

    "I just realized that the only times that I’ve left my apartment for the past month have been to take an exam or turn in a pset. FML"
    Or maybe some state like Wyoming or something. No one ever suspects Wyoming.

    You might want to check your sarcasm meter.

    "So tired I fell asleep going pee in a public bathroom stall. Evidently slept for 15 minutes until someone flushed really loudly nearby, causing me to literally jump out of my seat. MLIWTF"
    Or at least get permanent resident status in a state somewhere!

    ...Privileged child, you will undergo much, much suffering once you get into MIT. Their (unofficial) motto is IHTFP after all...
    :/ The only reason you have a horrid chance of getting in is because you're an international student. Otherwise, it's probably an instant acceptance.

    "The sunrise. FML"
    Should've ordered the cheddar + mushroom + bacon omelette what was going through my head

    Hey, if it shrinks I'm so geographically challenged that I won't bat an eye. :P
    And do remember that map was horribly biased! And not to scale!

    ... well in that case! I still won't try. mathcontestsewww
    Yeah, I know what you mean :P But Caltech seems like a happier place (read the MIT FML), so I don't really mind either one.

    They're not that interesting, but, eh, sure. Watch your PMs in a sec.
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