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  • I like the white titles, but the grey text is a little weird looking. Maybe I'm just not used to it.

    [sorry, I just use Axe Murderer, bright colors hurt my eyes so I like darker skins.]
    On 'Axe Murderer Style', on the index, were the thread titles always dark grey?

    Butterfree I think I've lost my mind, should you find it please send it back to Minnesota.
    Since you seem in touch with elyvorg (and I don't have a Serebii account), do you know if she is going to finish Lost Evolution? Thanks.
    I just read the R/B/Y capturing mechanics. I have to say, that is probably the most interesting math thing that I have ever read.
    Oh, I think you wrote that you knew Danish and I somehow thought it was Dutch later on.
    Man if only American schools forced students to learn languages :(
    This might seem like a fairly odd question but I'm genuinely curious - in Iceland (Reykjavik actually), what languages do you commonly speak or learn in school beyond Icelandic? The reason I ask is because I was watching a video commentary by an Icelandic guy and as part of the commentary he put in clips from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon where the dialogue was English but there were subtitles in a consistent different language, making me think these were the versions he watched; when I took the subtitles and ran them through Google Translate in the hopes of seeing what language it was it was Dutch and I remembered that you once said you knew some Dutch and I was wondering if that was a common language in Iceland.
    If you like the replay player, you'll probably find the Vs. Player pretty cool--it generates logs for and extracts pokémon data from battle videos that have been uploaded to Nintendo's servers.
    Omg Butterfree! Some dude took almost all of your sprites!! Address:pokemonadoption.punbb-hosting.com/viewtopic.php?id=4
    does going over the 30-pt infraction mark do anything that would change pm size limits? if so, is that behaviour intended?

    because my pm box is suddenly "100% full" because the limit is now 500 -- and incidentally, 551/500 being 100% is just. what. who designed this thing, and why did they put in effort to cap it at 100% instead of just dividing and multiplying by 100.
    You're pretty much my role model when it comes to things like attention to detail and learning new things and adding functionality that may help even just one person and aaaaa o^_^o
    Umumum I really really also enjoy your extreme attention to detail (fixing the HP bar in the 5th generation capture mechanics, for instance, or the visual HP bars in general, or your verification thingy in the guestbook producing shiny sprites exactly as often as the games generate shiny pokemon). And um you're just really cool and so are the things you create!
    Well damn haha. That works.

    Out of curiosity since you're so big on mechanics and everything I figure I'll ask: some of the gym leaders claim that their badges raise a certain stat. Which doesn't seem to make much sense when you know about how stats work, is it just a general statement that they make or do the badges actually do something of note?
    I really really want you to know that there's at least one person out there who ABSOLUTELY ADORES your capture mechanics pages! (and that person is me!)
    there's a fish & chips shop nearby with the slogan 'oh my cod'

    Dannichu and I agreed you should know
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