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  • "I find my own characters becoming more contrary to the plot with every RP I join. I'm not sure if it's because of my own inclination to look at things realistically and research the hell out of things or just because all my characters recently have been abrasive and suspicious.... It could be both, of course. Conflicts have really been a part of RP since I first started out on tCoD - I think it's mostly a difference in pacing and character types that make it more prevalent now? Or something like that. Regardless, there's always splitting up and infighting and then people detaching or alienating others... though I do believe it comes about more quickly when you're in one."

    but those are the best parts
    Okey, just making sure. For the drawing. Anyway I'M DONE WITH MY FORM, just need to draw him.

    exceptwait is there a specific reason I should be in the cave network with the sleepers? (Good god, why do I ask so many questions) Something I need in my history? I hope not.
    So does anyone actually know how big a TM is? Because I always imagined them as the really small mini-disks.
    I actually really like that... The factions, I mean. And the intro. Pretty awesome. And the TM Drivers. Them is niiiiiiice. Question, can the designs for those be flexible, or is there a certain way they have to look? Sounds like a shoulder thingymajig is required, but...

    OH and what would you consider an acceptable age range? Xhan must be young in all incarnations.
    D:< I don't KNOOOOOOW. I was like, "HUMANS HAVE AWESOME TOYS" but then I was like, "AH, CRAP I HAVE TO DESCRIBE EVERYTHING" So yeah. I'm still leaning on Human, though. I'm guessing Pokemon are limited to four moves? And that there's not really a level system, so most moves are up for grabs with the exception of things like "I JUST EVOLVED INTO LUCARIO NOW I KNOW EXTREMESPEED FTW"
    .... Goddammit, Stormy. I'm trying to make a form for your RP, but can't decide between Xhan and a human incarnation of Xhan. >:/ You suck for making me think this hard.
    Well, yeah, she does make more of her own food, but there's also more to begin with. The Shade has one person who he competes with, while Eris has the whole world with nobody to compete with.

    Pff, their interactions are gonna' be awesome. Like, ten times more awesome than they used to be.
    *Spills* So, this basically went down inside my head as Eris and the Shade inside Nick's mind while he slept. In there, the Shade looks basically the same, but there aren't any "flames" on him, and he can talk. Rather, Eris is the one who looks as if she's flaming, the result of the connection between Nick's Mind and the Outside.

    ANYWAY, this is the Shade's personal theory. He is a creature of darkness. He feeds off of happiness, joy, and feelings attributed to light. Similarly, humans are creatures of Darkness, which is why they respond so positively to the same feelings.

    Eris is intruiging, though, because she feeds on darkness, despair, and pain. The Shade determines she is a creature of Light. She appears dark and acts dark simply as a side-effect of consuming the darkness as she does, from humans who are, as said, dark beings. The Shade still appears dark rather than light because he must compete with Nick as a creature of darkness for the same food. They both want joy and happiness, but must split it, thus the Shade cannot gain enough sustenance to appear differently.

    Essentially, the Shade comes to believe that he and Eris are like Yin and Yang, or two sides of the same coin. A creature of pure Light, and a creature of Pure darkness.

    Did that makes sense? I feel like I didn't use the right words. I'm sleepy.
    OH MY GOD. I had a random theory about Eris and the Shade. And why they do what they do (that is, feeding off of people like parasites)

    ... Do you wanna hear it? Wouldn't wanna go into something pointlessly.
    I think in terms of RPs that were purely pokemon, Sanctic was indeed the last one. But you were involved in Brave New World, which (relatively) wasn't too long ago.

    Oh, I imagine there will be conflict rather quickly. That's an inevitable result of RPs these days, it seems.

    Well, I'm glad you still are slowly but surely working through it. Life is what it is - interfering often. But you've managed to run it without Metalos before, so depending on how things go for him you could easily do so again.
    =3c Yaaaaaaaaaaay I did it!

    Alrighty then. I'm thinkin' really bleak and desaturated almost Tim Burton-esque colors. Mmmmmmyyyeeeessss. *Evil laughter*
    Sketchy sketch is sketchy. So there's that. Lemme know how things are. OR IT WILL BE TOO LATE LATER D:

    I also redrew my old character. But that was before I even brought it up in the idea center. I was just really bored that day.
    I have the sketch as ready as it can be, so if you'd like, I can post it. See if you approve of the "attire." Also, you said in your description her neck had a "twisted torque-like" tattoo. Tried googling it. Not sure what it is. It it bones, or just swirlies, or some freaky dragon or machine thing? I don't know. I got all sorts of results on google images.
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