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Vipera Magnifica
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  • would totally scm5, but augh songs what song I don't songs very much, eh, they're all madomagi songs.

    ... say, have you ever madoka magica?

    anyway, I might join at the last minute. if you come clean and no bastard roles >||| otherwise >|||
    I did too, but around last season it just got a little too Moffat-y. I mean I know only a few episodes were really Moffat's once he became head writer, but it's all so... not the same. I guess I just got too used to good old mushy RTD.
    It's one of my favorites! I tried to make the vashta nerada into a mafia game once, but it didn't work out.
    Yeah. In the middle of my IGCSE (British) course. End of next year we're gonna take official exams. I'm probably supposed to work hard, but nah. Me and my friend took the maths one early and the night before we were playing TF2 o_o and when we compared answers to classmates we got nothing wrong. Eheheh. Maybe that's just maths though. So I'm completely fine.

    But then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. *runs away*
    I'm fine.

    But then everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

    *ahem* I just write fanfiction even though I really should be finishing off my colours mafia roles :x And I play some piano I guess. Screw holiday homework :L
    Considering I'll be at the beach starting Saturday for a week but I'mma have a laptop and run two games of mafia and participate in a third... well. xD
    It's kinda just a normal game of Mafia with standard roles with Warriors-related names though. Fairly uninspired but hey, I wanted to run a Mafia and this was before I came up with the Alliances Mafia.

    I'll give you some relevant backstory on the character you get if you want though
    HEY FRIEND my warriors mafia needs people and dammit i want it to fill up ; ; would you be up for joining or ?
    Was just about to say that. >.> What Silver Chedr said, I mean.

    That was when I started cracking up. I couldn't stop laughing for a good two minutes or do after. It's probably because the guy that was doing the ROM in the video had the best of voices. :D

    A very adept arrangement for Mother, volcano bakemeat.
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