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  • haha, oh no! it seems to be a lot of things that would probably be alright as the default vbulletin images anyway, like the .gif that indicates a thread has multiple pages, things like that. all the bachuru-related ones are fine. I wouldn't mind so much normally but the broken images tend to break the postbit and stuff for some reason. :O
    hey, when I'm using Bachuru style I get a number of broken images (for example, http://alteredorigin.net/stuff/tcod_style/bachuru/sticky.gif) and I was wondering if this was a known issue or something on my end? I've tried clearing the cache/history and switching browsers, so I was wondering. :o I'm only mentioning it now because I'm complacent and just assumed it was on my end without actually doing anything about it. :D'
    May I ask what picke-phobia means? I search both "picke" and "picke-phobia" and couldn't find anything relevant.
    Whatever happened to the Café of Doom? The old one is locked and the link to the new one is invalid.
    "Derren Brown, magician-mentalist who is really, really good at fucking epically with people's heads."

    I completely misread this as "Derren Brown, magician-mentalist who is really, really good at fucking, especially with people's heads."
    so hey i was looking back over some old nostalgic topics and talking to jolty about ye olde 2004/5 tcod and then i realized i had no clue what the hell happened with you and nidokingu (like he was SO DISTRAUGHT over the whole light mightyena thing but like a year and a half later you two were dating and then suddenly you weren't dating and there was shadey instead). would you mind telling me what happened there (because i am curious), or is that too personal. (sorry if it is, i have a tendency to ask inappropriate questions like that without really realizing ^^;)
    It just seems like her sleeve would probably be hanging down next to her body or something which would make it difficult for the bullet to not hit her, especially if her sleeve was eight inches off the ground like the other holes imply.
    When Lotta and Phoenix burst into the Channeling Chamber after hearing a gunshot, they see Mimi-imitating-Maya and Lotta takes some pictures. In these pictures Mimi has no hole in her sleeve, although when Maya is arrested she has a hole in her sleeve. It is later revealed that the hole in the sleeve was made when the victim survived being stabbed and fired a shot that went through the scroll at the back and the box. However there are only two explanations for how this could have happened: 1) that the shot went through Maya's sleeve but somehow avoided hitting her despite that she would have been unconscious and thus collapsed, or 2) that the hole went through Ini's sleeve, and Ini then promptly changed clothes with Maya before going to kill the victim. Despite that he had a gun and was clearly alive.
    No, I've finished it and I'm not playing it at the moment. The sequence of events just doesn't make any sense at all in retrospect and I was wondering if you had any reasonable explanation.
    Considering your ability to logic everything that cannot be logicked I was wondering if you would like to assist me in logicking Phoenix Wright case 2-2.
    I know this is really late... but Happy Birthday TCOD!!! I will visit this place forever Butterfree!
    I really must thank you. I had a paper due for my class, but my computer refused to open Mircrosoft Words on me. But thankfully, I had your wonderful notepad, and I was able to finish in time!

    So, thanks again!
    the description for the "main series" subforum reads like this: "For any discussion of the main series of handheld Pokémon games - R/B/Y, G/S/C, R/S/E, FR/LG or D/P."

    looks like the last time that was updated was 2008 lol
    Oops, well, it has to calculate the authors with similar tastes before doing the actual fic scoring, but I completely forgot that I intended to make it an actual output option as well; I guess I wrote the description earlier than I thought. If you're interested in seeing that, I can probably expose it without too much trouble.

    Thanks! It was a lot of fun (and a lot of frustration), and something I've wanted to do for quite some time. I'm not quite sure what the next step I want to take with it is, but getting database updates automated would certainly be a solid one.
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