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  • Haha, I'm pretty sure people have thought I'm younger than I really am too. :P
    It kinda sucks, but then again, you'll probably stay younger-looking longer even when you get older, which might actually be cool :D Gotta look on the bright side, right?
    Actually, a lot of people have legitimately thought that we're twins, even though we don't really look alike or anything. :D
    It probably has something to do with the fact that we're really close and thus probably have similar mannerisms and such (as well as 'stereo-speak' sometimes; we both say the exact same thing at the exact same time. brain sync ftw :D).
    Sure was :D

    I'm fairly sure she isn't that big of an asshole. She's as excited about her own 3DS and X/Y as I am :P
    Plus, we're almost like twins even if she is ~6 years older than me. I kind of trust her on this one :B
    The gameplay was mostly 'follow these random white rings that float around with your stylus and the horse just kinda does what it's supposed to do' and holy shit it was dull. :Y

    She said that the box has those seal kinda stickers on it that break if you open it. So, she can't really even take a sneak peek without leaving behind evidence. :P
    If you ever happen to come across it somewhere, do get it if you can! You will not regret it :D

    I'm fairly sure the worst DS game I've played was some kinda horse riding game that didn't make any sense from a riding standpoint plus it was mind-blowingly boring.
    Not gonna lie, it was useful once! I couldn't get sleep, so I played the game for about 10 minutes and wow it really did make me drowsy enough to fall asleep afterwards. :P

    What would she even do with two 3DSes all by herself? :D
    She isn't even gonna open the box or anything so that I can - ceremoniously - be the first one to lay eyes upon its shiny, deliciously red surface. :B
    The game is really hilarious and great and I love it forever :D
    Each song has its own story revolving around someone who's in trouble. The agents cheer them through the power of music and help them achieve their goals! how amazing is that

    Poor thing :D I can only imagine what kind of torture it is :P

    my sister got me the special red XY 3DS today! Aaaaaghhhhh
    There were only one of each at the store, and she got the blue one for herself and the red for me. :P

    ... the only bad side is that I'm actually gonna get to touch/see the 3DS when I meet her the next time (she's studying in another city), and that is on the 11th of October!
    Yessssss and he's got some pretty sweet moves too oh my god


    Hell no! :D
    Bad DS games are somehow even worse than regular bad games. Trust me, I've had my fair share of those O___o
    This one's the best anyway, because his name is Derek and wow that is a cool name B]

    you need to play EVERYTHING :D
    seriously though there are like so many amazing DS games everyone should at least try sjhfjshfd VIDYA GAMES ARE GREAT
    Not just any red-afro-dude, but my most favourite dancing government agent red afro dude! You seriously need to play Elite Beat Agents if you haven't!
    It's the best best best rhythm game on the DS and it's hilarious and super great and addictive and hhhhhhhhhh

    The 3DSes aren't out just yet (but tomorrow they *should* be), and my sister is going to go and ask around stores this weekend to see if they have 'em. O:
    i want oneeeee
    Yes, squishy. The huggable kind :D

    I'm glad I managed to not cave in and buy a 3DS before this :P
    oooh man oh man this month's Corocoro is not that far away... maybe we'll finally get to see the starter evos O:
    ... you know sometimes I forget it's 2013 and you joined in 2011 because holy heck that's a long time
    Haha, yeah! Xerneas is really cool too, I love the antler colours. Y is just a must get for me because red is my favourite colour and Yveltal looks so... squishy :P

    also awww yisss the blue and red x/y special 3DS XL:s are coming to Europe too! Ahhhh I'm so going to get the red one, it's pretty much perfect *u*
    My DS Lite is black with a crimson cover (well, it was full black originally but I got this cover for it because black+red is yummy) so when I get the special 3DS it will be almost like my DS Lite just mega evolved.
    As an added bonus, it'll be like a shining beacon that alerts everyone that I'm a massive pokemon nerd :D
    Ouch O: I hope you get/have gotten better!

    Neat :P

    also hdsfgshdgfshgf POKEMON X/Y I find it very difficult to contain myself until October 12th.
    i wanna play alreadyyyy
    Which one are you gonna get? I'm definitely going with Y because red and also because version exclusives.
    it happens :P

    I guess I'm okay? I'm currently on my way to not being sick anymore (after managing to catch a cold by sitting in front of my computer with the window open) :V

    ooooh lucky you, you've been summer-ing far longer than I have :D
    True that. If you ever do find time, you can email me at my personal email if you'd like. It's ryan.skylar@aol.com
    I need so very much help with lé styleswitcher! Would you mind helping me out?

    (my email is Qvalador@gmail.com)
    I'm not sure such exists. Did you know that when they're "smiling" at people, it actually means "I am baring my teeth at you as a threat, leave my territory at once"?
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