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  • Mewtini! This is you?

    Whoopsy. Hard to tell on a mobile. How's it been, what've I missed?
    ahaha oh woops I forgot that credit field thing completely WAIT I MEAN whaaaat there isn't anything there (anymore) :U

    anyhow, how's it going? My summer holiday just ended yesterday O:
    What is #tcod anyway? I mean, I know it's some kind of chat thing since everyone quotes it in their signatures, but I never knew how to actually get on it. Nor did I even care.

    I wrote that? Hmm, I'm thinking about searching through my earlier posts to see just how noobish I was, but I know that I'd cringe at every single post.

    Here, I'll PM you the fan fiction in a second.
    Good to hear things are going well for you!

    Everyone's talking about me?

    +5 Ego Inflation!

    Yeah, I was kind of a stubborn, annoying, arrogant, childish little arse when I first joined. Funny how maturity comes from stuff like this, eh?

    I was in a roleplay of yours? Man, I can't remember the last time I roleplayed. I'm more into writing fan fictions, and my skills have really improved! I finally understand exactly what the phrase "show don't tell" means, I know how to write from a character's perspective, I even know how to express body language... Really, it's so clear now, I feel as dense as a brick for not knowing sooner. My writing has a voice now.

    I'm rambling, aren't I? Hey, speaking of me writing fan fiction, want to read what I have for one of mine so far? I've got the first chapter done and all.
    Oh don't be madddd

    You've always had that nickname in my mind

    (I expect Muutini to be slightly similar except I say it like "Moo-teeny")
    Unfortunately, in order to run it on Linux I would have to recode the entire site to use something other than ASP.NET. Which is tempting, but I don't have any time for that for the moment.

    I've transferred pretty much everything over to the new server now aside from the databases, which I'm going to have to get around to when I'm done with the work that has been piled on me.

    And thanks!
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