<style type="text/css">
.wholebox { width:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-size:10px; min-height:80px; }
.wholebox a img { border:0; }
.box { width:560px; margin:auto; padding:1px; position:relative; text-align:left; }
.box .alt1 { padding:3px; }
.box .thead { padding:3px; margin-bottom:1px; }
.box .bhead { padding-left: 55px; }
.box .fakefloat { width:48px; height:20px; float:left; }
.sprite { position:absolute; top:-38px; left:-37px; z-index:100; }
<div class="wholebox"><div class="box tborder">
<img class="sprite" src="http://www.dragonflycave.com/sprites/gen5/bw/133.png">
<div class="bhead thead">Lorem Ipsum</div>
<div class="alt1">
<span class="fakefloat"></span>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut enim lacus, dapibus et egestas a, convallis et risus. Sed vel interdum mauris. Cras eget consequat erat. Donec ligula enim, aliquet ut lectus nec, ornare tempor orci. Morbi augue nisl, pulvinar et adipiscing et, sollicitudin et turpis. Sed vestibulum eleifend ultricies. Suspendisse accumsan felis justo, vel cursus libero fermentum vel. Cras accumsan gravida sem nec scelerisque. Sed elementum accumsan augue.
Shouldn't this work? I edited Butterfree's code.
Change the line with the url on it (http://www.dragonflycave.com/sprites/gen5/bw/133.png) to the url of the sprite you like, and then edit the top and left numbers in the part that says ".sprite" until it's in the right spot.