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  • By the way, have you ever tried watching Death Note? If not, I have a feeling you'd like it. Nothing's ever made me feel quite the same way, except Catherine, which was honestly my favorite thing since Death Note.
    Ah! What was the game that was recently in your current obsessions? It looked interesting but I forgot what it was!
    Hmm, well we did have a tie, and I called the last player who died. I just wanted to make sure I was doing this the most fair way, you know? I'll call for the last player killed to vote.

    It's standard mafia.
    Butterfree, quick mafia question.

    I'm running a mafia game over at PC. I've come down to two players left, one innocent, one mafia. Now each other are for sure going to know who/what each other are... so is it game over? Mafia win?

    Also that sig, it is beautiful. :P
    Oh, I was thinking oracles couldn't ask questions like that at all. I wasn't questioning the claim, just the use of it and the extent of the power. It kind of made it too easy on the town. A town working together is hard to beat, especially when there are two roles that can find alignments, one outright, and one with roundabout loopholes.
    "Also, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, that one Mafia-like game everybody else got over ages ago. It's about fifteen high school students waking up in their new school to find boarded windows, locked doors and a creepy teddy bear telling them they must commit murder and get away with it to get out of there. Those who commit murder and don't get away with it are executed horribly. Also, all of the gun imagery because gun imagery. It has a positively-portrayed female ultra-muscular mixed martial artist who is clearly the best character. It also has some excellent pressing of my buttons."

    Hey, now! ... Okay, maybe the phase is mostly over on tumblr, but I'm pretty sure there's a good number of Dangan Ronpa fans on here. c: Sakura is the beeest. Not sure I have a particular favorite character for the first game since I love all the girls, but she still holds the definitive title of best. Celes, Sayaka, Mukuro, and Junko are all great too, though; also Chihiro definitely because trans headcanons there are the best ones.
    You know you've been playing too much voltorb flip when you're playing piano and the finger numbers for two notes are "5 3" and you think "oh better mark them all as 2 and 3 and bomb"
    No problem. If you need me to breed anything, VM me. I have lots of time on my hands on the weekends, and during the rides to and from school.
    I only have one at the moment. Let me breed it once, and I'll trade it to you. If we can trade Eggs, I'd like a Heracross egg in return.
    i've seen some people talk recently about mlp's quality going downhill. what do you think about it?
    Fair enough.

    In that case, there is an Artist Salvador and a girl in the Battle Maidon using lolspeak. I don't have exact details, but I figured I'd tell you anyway; I won't be able to check where Salvador is located until Monday, as I'll be away.
    Real-world references, etc. For example, there's an Artist Salvador at some point, as well as other various allusions. Although despite it being kind of funny (I guess?), I'm not sure it counts as eligible for the In-Game Humor page.
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