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  • Well the hanging around the forums to mod them makes sense lol I was just kind of wondering how that happened to begin with. And that's interesting that it has such a great reviewing culture - I really would have thought otherwise, but hey, shows what I know lol

    and I didn't know if the website issues extended to forum culture also.
    question time: why do you hang around at serebii still lol especially if you have to have reviewing guides in your sig to make people do it? I always got the impression that you weren't super fond of it
    dammit butterfree i stayed up all damn night reading the fanfic recommendations on your tumblr and i have to start getting ready in 10 minutes to go with my dad to the vet but I DIDNT GET ANY DAMN SLEEP
    foregone conclusion and lost evolution, tho
    If you're still interested in saving this forum from lack of activity, I thought of an idea for a "TCOD Fakedex". I saw some of your sprites and read bits and pieces (the first few chapters) of "The Quest for the Legends", (thought it was very interesting) and came up with this idea after visiting several deviantART and tumblr pages. I have quite some ideas that not even GAME FREAK themselves have thought of yet. Let me know if you are interested, or not.... I haven't been a member for that long, but I'd hate to see this forum die like so many others have.
    suggestion: in your recently updated mechanics page, a thing about Mega Evolution in turn order?
    your capture calculator said i should have had a 5.7% chance of catching landorus with each ultra ball and i caught it in the first one!!!! clearly the capture calculator is wrong!!!!!!
    Happened to see your tumblr post about Elliot Rodger. Would it surprise you to learn that he's not alone, and in fact there are two online groups that share very, very similar viewpoints to Rodger's? Rodger's story is interesting because it's the first time this sect of people - the people who call themselves "incels" or "involuntary celibates" because they believe it's quite literally impossible for them to get laid, people who are absolutely convinced that all women want the exact same thing no matter how fundamentally wrong it is, etc - are getting the spotlight.

    But over at the forum where we joke about them never getting laid, we actually get confronted by these people and get to view their beliefs first hand. Exhibit A, Exhibit B - all the same user spouting the bullshit those sites feed. (There was a much more recent one where one of these people came to the forum and accused all women of wanting "alpha males", at which point I pointed out I dated a non-alpha and he said "well you were just waiting for an alpha", in that kind of "all [x] is true" "[x] isn't true for me" "well that's because [x] is actually true you just don't know it", but that exchange got real heated and it seems to have disappeared off the forum, probably due to excessive amounts of general heatedness, and the guy got banned. This is the same guy who posited that male genitalia is literally a drug and women are addicted after riding the - and I quote - "alpha cock carousel" and can't go back to anything "lesser".)
    It's actually really fascinating. There's probably more examples on that forum of the Rodger types coming in and positing their views on women, to be met with women (including me) saying they're wrong, and they react to this presentation by going "no you're wrong about your own interests".
    Thought you might find it interesting since you talked for so long about Rodger. (I apologize if I don't make sense it's nearly 4 am and I have a headache ok)
    I've started watching Breaking Bad recently. I just finished season one, and I'm looking forward to watching more.
    question time: how many wars of the legends have there been prior to the "present" in qftl? (or is that some sort of spoiler)
    Pokemon headcanons thread:
    "There are kids present, but the forum rules also feature at the very start a note that the forum makes no effort to be entirely kid-friendly and children are advised to show discretion in what they view. Since this thread is not marked as mature you'd be best off hiding anything kid-unfriendly with whatever tags, and obviously if you'd just rather not include them that's fine (though in that case including them in a redacted form seems sort of pointless), but if you actually want to discuss these headcanons, it's allowed."

    Well, yes. I'm perfectly aware of the kid-friendly disclaimer at the top of the rules. However, I'm also perfectly well aware that if people's tastes don't run the same way as mine, brain-bleach is advised for some of my hypotheses. Since I'm unwilling to inflict that on this forum specifically, and the internet at large, I've taken the view that if people really want to know, they'll ask.

    Plus it makes me squee a little inside to know that I've publicly used SCP Foundation document tags in a pokemon forum, so there's that too.
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