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Vipera Magnifica
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  • It's fine how it is, but it would be more convenient to do it here, for the sake of not alienating those who haven't posted here. I'll post my end of it as soon as I can.
    (By the way, by "these sound familiar", I don't mean that Nightwish have covered it - I mean that they've done a song with pretty much exactly the same concept [Over the Hills and Far Away].)
    So I recently found out about these lyrics.

    As a fellow Nightwish fan, I'm pretty sure they'll make you think "wait a second - these sound familiar".
    Yeah, Brock was another loose end I thought they'd tie up. Presumably he went to live with his grandmother, but.

    I didn't mind the family's resolution so much - Skyler can trade the coordinates for where Hank and Gomez are buried and presumably with Walt dead the police will no longer be as desperate to get something out of her, so presumably she'll escape prosecution and be able to get her life going again; they'll eventually receive Walt's money through Gretchen and Elliot which should get them out of their financial troubles; and Skyler and Marie seemed at least vaguely back on speaking terms. Obviously Walt left things horribly broken, but I thought there was at least a sense that they'd get by now that he's gone, so I'm pretty optimistic for where they're headed. Jesse I'm... not so sure about.
    I flip-flop weirdly in how much I like Felina. I really, really wanted more resolution for Jesse after everything he's been through in the last few episodes, but I'm really glad that in the end Walt 1) finally admitted flat-out that he did it for himself because he liked it and not selflessly for his family, and 2) died. And of the little we did get of Jesse, I overflow with feelings about the flashback/fantasy about him making the box, and I'm very happy with the bit where he refuses to kill Walt and tells him to do it himself, but I still don't feel quite right about him murdering Todd, at least not when we don't get any proper resolution for his character afterwards. Jesse is not good with murdering people and I kind of worry about him driving off laughing into whatever after choking a man to death, no matter how despicable the victim.
    It's all good. I imagined this one would need to be redone because I didn't have much to go off of. I shall begin work on it presently. *Flourishes and bows*
    So, your character description was a bit smaller than most others, so I just kind of guessed at things. ._. Hope I did alright, though.
    I feel vaguely offended I didn't get to participate in Vanilla Mafia now.

    Not sure what I'm allowed to say over VM, but.
    Whoa, Vanilla Mafia has the same initials as Vanilla Mongoose.

    ... Oh, I guess that may have been intentional.
    I thought so. In that case... you get both merits and demerits for having typed that shit out.
    Certainly thought-provoking, if nothing else. I will be thinking about that for a while, I think.

    Did you actually type that whole document up in the background just for the screenshot, or was it already there for some weird reason?
    I am just noticing all the weird shit about this picture. I only payed any attention to the screenshot before, but... Uh. Yeah.
    They actually did a song with Tarja.

    (This is basically why I got the idea to ask you. :P)

    Anyway, I'm heading off to play some Dota, so that'll be it for now.
    Hey man, I managed to add stuff to the thing I showed you yesterday. I came up with these:

    The "Trendy"/"Fad" Fandom, Every Year Since 2000
    2000: Pokémon
    2001: Digimon
    2002: Beyblades
    2003: Yu-Gi-Oh!
    2004: Homestar Runner
    2005: Neopets
    2006: Naruto
    2007: Guitar Hero
    2008: How I Met Your Mother
    2009: The Big Bang Theory
    2010: Glee
    2011: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
    2012: Welcome to Night Vale
    2013: Shingeki no Kyojin
    2014: ???

    Oh, one other thing; do you listen to Within Temptation?
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