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  • Well it's a great time to start on a new note, because with all your username changes I don't quite remember who you are :P
    That's the one!

    Well hitting the damage cap repeatedly is just boring when you have such a good arena!
    The Oasis is a pretty standard Oasis. Not really much to describe, trees probably. I'm gonna say no on Competitive, just because the effects are, when all is said and done, temporary, and Competitive isn't.

    As far as psychiatry, I'll say this--they're getting paid no matter what you're talking about. But it is their job to help you, so if you feel like you want or need help with anything, it might do you some good to open up a little. To each their own though!
    In your endo

    That blows, I hate waiting for people at an appointment you're on time for. Questionnaires are also sucky. Do you think it's helping at least? Or that it will?
    Ahaha yeah well I've had 2.5 years of college between then and now, the self-discovery has been hot and heavy :p

    Psychiatry, eh? How is that going?
    There is a 100% chance of an effect taking place; each effect has a 20% chance, but only one effect per round. The order is actually:

    1. Desert round, effects applied at the end
    2. Desert round, effects applied at the end
    3. Desert round, Oasis is found at the end & effects removed, no effects applied.
    4. Oasis round, Oasis is left at the end of the round, no effects applied.
    5. Goto: 1, repeat ad infinitem
    Hitler was very charismatic.

    Stalin would be in a similar situation, yes, and personally, I think Stalin was worse than Hitler in many ways. But I'm currently reading Mein Kampf, and this was more convenient and an interesting idea.
    Somewhat yes, somewhat no. I don't agree with his beliefs, but I want to show that Hitler was not a monster, but a human, and had some reasonable observations about the state of society. I also want to show part of his ideology.

    Rather than thinking of Hitler one-dimensionally, I think it's better for society to view him as a tragically corrupted figure, and as a consequent warning about how otherwise ordinary people can be turned into leaders with horribly radical beliefs.
    I still don't know anything about Homestuck. I tried it once years ago and I liked its quirkiness but I had no idea what was happening, ever

    I became an ordained minister
    Heh, it's no problem. :P I've replied way later before.

    Aww, how long have you had them for? Will they get used to being held over time? And I bet they're squishy and fluffy and eee idk I just love holding animals of any sort
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