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  • Pretty well! I only had Smash U, but I got the Splatoon bundle, and that, combined with Nintendo Land, a few Club Nintendo titles, and Child of Light, make a nice library with minimal investment.

    Damn. I remember when they took out Borders; that fucking hurt. Even though I never bought books per se since I was young and foolish (mostly sticker books, the first two Percy Jackson novels and two Pokemon manga), it was still iconic. I feel you.
    Yeah, that's what I heard from a friend who read/watched both. I also heard the torture scene in the anime was very rushed for whatever reason.
    Yeah, that's where I have CoL on. It is an absolutely gorgeous game; everything from the settings to the music to the characters.

    So, how's the process of moving going?
    Hi, don't forget to post commands in your battle with ILS! Post in the Absence Sheet or let me know if you need more time.
    It's not on 3DS... ^^; At least, I don't think it is. You should check out Pokemon Conquest because you can probably get it cheaply now, or maybe one of the Ace Attorney games. Those are pretty good.

    I won't be staff next year (rather the year after), but I would be a group leader's assistant. It's not much, but it's money, and it's great because it's a big deal when a camper wants to become staff. They get more priority, naturally.
    I watched the first season so far, yeah! I've been meaning to read the manga and watch the second season but haven't gotten around to it.
    Just playing Child of Light for like five hours straight. It's a great game, and on sale on the Nintendo eShop for four bucks.

    The show's central tenet was "el arte nuestro de cada dia" (literally our everyday art). It focused on Puerto Rican legends and folk tales, all loosely connected by a ttightrope act involving a girl growing up and her grandfather (the russian tightrope instructor). Additionally, there was an ensemble consiting of the members of the two eldest groups that weren't participating in circus acts. The beginning was like a local plaza so we had to develop characters befitting thr location
    During one of the exercises, I decided to do a politician running for reelection, and the lady who runs the camp (well-versed in theatre) loved it. I even asked to do the third call in character and they let me!
    It's kinda weird really... in school, if you date someone four years older than you it's practically taboo; in the adult world it's pretty normal.

    The camp's theatre classes Were pretty neat, too. I honestly can't remember what we did most of the time(because I just finished a gaming marathon). The whole point of the camp is that at thr end of the year tthere's a big show which I'll explain later Because it's 3 am and I'm on my phone.
    It's just the squicky incest vibe I get from a person my sister's age. Of course, this doesn't happen when I see other people (ie you and Courtney).

    Theory isn't boring; just learning this specific theory would be boring and kind of weird. Each person must adapt to their body length (like I was one of the tallest people at camp, period, so obviously certain things had to be adjusted, like harnesses and such). I'm bad at climbing up the thing, but I love being on the cloud swing (two things hanging like u's, one behind the other). I am terribly bad at stilts, however. To camp, I went this year, and the two years before last year.

    Wouldn't the amount of light in the day (here it would be a period of 24 hours) stay the same regardless of whether or not the clock says so?
    The girls looked... kinda young, to be honest. I'd put them about a year younger than you as their oldest possible age, my sister's age, so it's kinda creepy.

    The whole point is trying the things, so yes, I did get to do it. It would be kind of boring to learn the theory. The age range is from small children to 16, so it's all good. Interestingly, since my birthday is late June, I get one more year of camp before I can become an (assistant) group leader. It'll probably be my first paid job.

    does... does it even serve a purpose? I heard it was because crops or something.
    Comic Con was pretty fun. I actually cosplayed this year, going as Sam Winchester (I came upon it one day I was out sick, luckily), and some girls actually took a picture with me.

    It's actually great. There's like the climb-y type of cloth-y ropes and it's really cool. Also, trapeze and tightrope. It's something you don't get to do every day, so that's why I really like it.

    yep, I'm on EST, more or less, except we don't believe in your silly daylight savings.
    That's fantastic to hear! I've not even been on skype all of that often, so it might've been for the best.

    They're going quite well. The message I sent you was a couple days after Comic-Con which was just swell. Then came both my sister's 8th grade graduation and the seniors', and after that it was a theatre, art and circus summer camp. That's about it, basically. Not much else has happened.

    Just to be sure, it's about six hours difference between EST and whatever time zone your part of Germany's in, right?
    Are you okay to issue commands in your battle with VM, or do you need more time?
    Hi, you have 24 hours to post commands in your battle with ILS! Post in the absence sheet or let me know if you need more time.
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