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  • I think pretty soon I'm going to stop writing the extended calculations section because that alone takes me about an hour.

    I couldn't write what you wrote in nine minutes, but I could write something along the lines of this:

    Psyco Mantis lied on the ground and felt more health. Rahel the bird then falpped her wings anda big gust of wind knocked the syther in the face! psyco manis then scremed as Rachel did it again. he then maked a sbtitue and look at it with pried. when he Finnish, he say "I MUST GO NOW" and vanisd into thien air and Oreosts taked his place! Like dis if u cry everytim.
    Oh, the events thread one? I've seen, but I've yet to set aside the time to read through that entire thing.
    Awww thank you c: I thought a peaceful tone would help with organising! And dreamy for dreaming up new ideas...or just to be counterproductive :x
    I am very much ok with accidental Forretress, yes. Also very much OK with that spin. Praise be to the RNGs!
    So to clarify on the signature move/attribute approver salary, is it $1 for each thing I give the OK on (regardless of whether other approvers confirm/deny), $1 for each thing I give the OK on that ends up officially approved, or $1 for each thing that I give a ruling on?

    my guess is the first one but I wanted to double-check before submitting transactions in the bank

    Oop never mind I just double-double-checked and it says "per thing reviewed" not "per thing approved" like I thought/assumed
    Still in my active squad.

    Also, that avatar's been on me for like four months. (I mean, I'm saying this to someone who's had the same avatar for at least a year now, but.)
    I'm basically keeping up with the thread anyway, so sure, I guess. (I will be a good threadmin. A proper threadmin. A threadmin-hating world has it out for us in particular, you know... (recommended reading, if you don't get the reference))
    Also, it would be convenient for approvers to add attributes and moves that still need approval to the second post of the sig booking office, imo.

    (currently-needing-approval attributes:
    Byrus' Nurglitch's Verminous (Intermediate 1/2)
    Ether's Bane's BurNIng's B-God (0/2)
    Sangfroidish's Priscilla's Crossbreed (0/2)
    Sangfroidish's Logan's Big Hat (0/2)
    Meursault's Łebsko's Sheer Ignorance (0/2)
    The Omskivar's Bolla's Granite Homeostasis (0/2, recommended to read previous discussion on this attribute before reviewing)
    and the lone signature move, Wargle's Kazza's Gravitational Tear (0/2))
    Ah, hmm... the obvious instinctive answer is to make it so Attract can't work on them from other Pokemon, only each other, but that would be OP in Attract-allowed battles and silly in Attract-banned battles, so idk

    You could amputate Tommie's hand but I can't think of any positives you could pair with that to make it actually worth doing. Maybe Tommy could get some kind of Rivalry-esque thing where she's paranoid about other female Pokemon on the field???

    (also omg now I'm so tempted to get a mudkip and name it Super Smile Tommen)
    Yeah, sounds fine to me! Do you want to make a post in the Trading Post or should I?

    it's double amusing when you consider the inevitable result of that thing and another item of his list
    Booya. But yeah, if you do start applying it, you might want to have a note on your signature, at least.

    Treecko is one of my favorite starters. So yeah, about that much.
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