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  • woot secret alliances in VMs

    *goes to check all other VMs*

    Also yes it was because Littlefoot was taught to be kind by his mother, and then she was eaten by a Sharptooth.
    Also thinking of a sig trib for my Solosis where he and his Life Orb form a binary star system. He also draws a Solosis face on the orb and calls him Grandson (his own name is Grandpappy).

    Now I need to figure out what that would do in battle...
    Just enough to make it seem like I was awakish...

    Oh god I hope everyone just attacks each other and doesn't try to swap abilities and items and friendship bracelets.

    Oh god I hope we do the 3v1 partnership thing each round.

    But not this round. Oh god.
    dear god what kind of clusterfuck have I thrown Littlefoot into...commanding hurts me, and will most likely hurt him too.
    Hmm, why not just give Tail Glow for Bug and Belch-but-no-berry-required for Poison? Then we could have up to 18 players (if anyone's even interested haha.)

    Format: 1v1v1v1v...1 (setup can accommodate up to 18 players)
    DQ: a really long time
    Damage Cap: none >:(
    Banned/Restricted Moves: idk, Mud/Water Sport? Splash?
    Arena Description: A brawl pit made for mini luvs (basically a really big open-air pool I guess.) Could this sea more adorable? Which luv will reign stew-preme?!

    Additional Rules:
    -Luvdisc only, commands will be sent in by PM, etc.
    -I mean all these moves will actually do more than, like, 8%, so we should probably just stick with 100/100? 100 also feels kind of high, though.
    -Upon accepting the challenge, each player should post a type, a thematically related costume, and a link to the Luvdisc they're going to use (if someone has more than one for some reason?) Their Luvdisc will then dress up, gaining the chosen type as a secondary typing for the duration of the battle and also obtaining access to a move of that type, as detailed below - for example, if someone chose Flying their Luvdisc would be Water/Flying type for the battle and gain Dragon Ascent.

    Normal: TECHNO BLAST
    Grass: SEED FLARE
    Electric: I think Volt Tackle would be better here? idk
    Fighting: (High Jump Kick though)
    Poison: Belch!
    Ground: I think Precipice Blades is more on par with the other moves here
    Psychic: Maybe just Psystrike?
    Bug: Tail Glow, sure!
    Dragon: ROAR OF TIME
    Steel: DOOM DESIRE
    Fairy: LIGHT OF RUIN
    Ice: ICE BURN
    edit: whoops, forgot Water: STEAM ERUPTION

    edit 2: Also, I'm updating the SBO right now and marking everything MF approved tentatively as going through since no one's spoken up to object, in case you have a beef with it?
    1. "Safety Googles", I'm laughing

    2. Here's my attempt at including more legendary signature moves because legendary signature moves - if everyone has ludicrously powerful STAB moves it balances out, right?:

    Normal: TECHNO BLAST, Hyper Voice
    Fire: SACRED FIRE, Heat Wave
    Grass: FRENZY PLANT, Petal Blizzard
    Electric: FUSION BOLT, Discharge
    Fighting: Jump Kick, SECRET SWORD BUT MULTI-TARGET because Luvdisc swordfight
    Poison: Poison Jab, Sludge Wave
    Ground: WHY USE FISSURE WHEN YOU COULD USE THOUSAND ARROWS + THOUSAND WAVES (Thousand Waves could just have no effect for the battle or something?) (also consider: Magnitude)
    Flying: DRAGON ASCENT, Air Cutter
    Psychic: maybe Psycho Cut?, Synchronoise
    Bug: Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug is fine I guess
    Rock: Power Gem, DIAMOND STORM
    Ghost: Shadow Ball, Ghost type Petal Blizzard?
    Dragon: Twister is pitifully weak, so that and DRACO METEOR and SPACIAL REND maybe?
    Dark: HYPERSPACE FURY, Dark type Air Cutter
    Steel: DOOM DESIRE, and since everyone's going to have at least base resistance to it already Steel type Petal Blizzard I guess?
    I recall always accidentally reading that one's name as for yours for a split second before noticing the difference. I guess that had to spread.
    So traditional.

    Also, it's been that way for about a week now, so that was fun.
    It's very subtle, but very memorable.

    "Chef" is very clearly the intended word, so most of anyone who doesn't notice it's an eification would probably just assume it's some alternate French spelling or something.
    It'd definitely be embarassing, wrecking Pokémon that have my name on it. Still, I can always edit their names back just in time. And maybe even stealthily sneak stupid typos into them while I'm at it, for added flavor.
    Does it seem like I even read an arena description of that length?

    There'll eventually be time for ridiculous battles. Incidentally, I hope you'll have a slot ready when the time comes for us to reenact what would've happened if we'd clashed in the tournament.
    I'll go ahead and convey these takes on it, then. Thanks for the second opinion.
    As far as I understand, Meursault's conditionals basically go "if the Cottonee is hovering over land, use Fire Spin; if the Cottonee is hovering over water, check for Hydro Pump, then Protect if affirmative or Heat Wave if negative". At the beginning of the action, the Cottonee was hovering over water, prompting the Monferno to wait for a hypothetical Hydro Pump. While she waited, the Cottonee proceeded to use Endeavor, which, as a contact move, required the Cottonee to hover towards the Monferno's position, and thus, over land. The question seems to be whether the Monferno can change her mind and use Fire Spin before the Cottonee successfully attacks (and also, secondarily, whether the Monferno can swap around on her conditionals to reflect the changed situation, but nobody's arguing against that). It matters because Fire Spin landing first makes it impossible to land Endeavor successfully. TrueToCheese let the Fire Spin land first based on Monferno being ahead on base speed by about 15 points.

    I'm more inclined towards having Endeavor land first, being that priority supercedes speed and Monferno was using a neutral priority move while in, so to say, Wait Mode, which was engaged before the hovering terrain situation changed. Also, very technically, Meursault's commands only had the Monferno check where the Cottonee is hovering at the beginning of the action, but that's most likely not worth fussing over.
    Do you have any thoughts on the matter yourself? I do have some, but I'm aware I'm not exactly ASB's favorite source on conditional command priority resolution, so I'd rather at least check that my rationale wouldn't necessarily be an isolated one.
    well, i've never been one to shy away from the big, hard-to-ref ones. especially those with a bunch of pokémon on the field at once, those have large payouts.

    but then again, college exists, so wish me luck!
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