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  • I think it should work fine; it's just the one executable file, so it should be pretty portable. I'll upload the save to Google Drive and PM you the link in a minute. And, well, however bad we are, at least if both of us bang away at it, it'll probably take less time for one of us to get lucky and manage to take her out! Unfortunately the times I'll be free on weekdays are from about now and through the next six hours or so... so, like, midnight through 6AM your time.

    I'm guessing they might toss some of those papers into the audience or sweep them off the stage so they end up there anyway, but yeah, they're going pretty far in the name of verisimilitude. And nooooo, I don't want to go deeper! I know what lies that way!
    Yeah, I'm still in the same old spot. I was thinking it might make sense for me to send you our save file, so at least rather than relying on me and my awful reflexes to get past it, we can trade off like before and hopefully get it done faster that way. Of course, after that we have to somehow get past (I assume you've already been spoiled for this, but I'll tag it just in case)

    My Skype is animos_negrek

    XD Well, I hope you enjoyed it! I thought it was pretty well done. Thomas Jefferson looks like he'll be a lot of fun to watch onstage, and I will admit that I'm more interested in Aaron Burr now; I have a lot of trouble distinguishing people's voices, so I think I didn't really understand his role in the story properly based on the cast album. I managed to completely miss the fact that "Wait for It" was his song, for example. >>;
    So are you saying we need to Skype in and finish that Undertale run, then?

    Also, my mom thought you would enjoy this.
    i started it but it's slow going because i am suddenly very busy with school related shit :(
    i beat case 4 of aai2 and my god the feels. all the feels.
    Edgeworth was already my waifu and this just made him my Extra Waifu
    I actually didn't sleep, not very well anyway. Mostly because the whole concept of Mundum and some of the intriguing fragments about it expressed by the contents page of the W.C. treatise and Err's theory thread were thought-provoking and I had my thoughts ... provoked
    i beat case 2 and now I see why The Best is red in your signature advertisement for the game.
    Debeste's theme music is fantastic. and Ray Shields in general is too
    i downloaded it last summer and beat the first case and it's been sitting there ever since because I had a shitton of other "more urgent" games so i'm FINALLY playing and i cannot WAIT for it to be glorious.
    did you ever make a tumblr post about thoughts after/when slowbeef beat the E4 because i could swear you did but i cant find it
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