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  • I don't know you to well but you seem really cool. What are your interests?
    I love most of those things (mathematics is fun when it's statistics, but i'm reeeeeally bad at other math.)
    What video games do you like to play?
    (I also kinda like sci-fi and programming although i don't know too much programming)
    I like things when I'm good at them, but don't have enough time to become good at things. That's where things are with things like programming.

    I play a variety of games I guess. Most recently I've been playing a lot of Minecraft and Crusader Kings 2, but I also like JRPGs and puzzle games.
    I love JRPG's and Minecraft, although i haven't played minecraft in a while.
    I got lonely and too scared to DM people in case I was annoying them and this was the only place I could think of where I can keep in passive contact with the few friends I have left :c

    This? This is a mood. I haven't met you before, but welcome (back) to the forums!
    Oh my gosh i'm so sorry. I mentally ticked off that i answered and never thought twice. Anyway, you seem very impartial about everything! It seems like you form your opinions empirically rather than assuming the opinion of a party or ideology until it's proven otherwise. You just seem hesitant to accept things at face value and you question stuff until you're able to form your own idea about it! At least that's how it seems.
    I do original stuff mostly, although I do have a Pokemon fic idea or two! And you've probably seen all my telegram posts but I'm starting to work on it again which is super exciting!

    Ah yes I know what you mean. There are so many cool things to do but it's so easy and fun to do other things like play video games :(

    Or play Mafia on chat haha. I maybe meant to do other things tonight but...
    For the most part it was things like laundry and dishes and cleaning, but I also finished a sewing project and sat down for (okay, for 20 minutes) to write my story (but 20 minutes totally counts, so!).

    Labyrinth was interesting. I may have liked it more as a kid (or maybe not because some of the puppets may have terrified me). I'm fascinated by mazes and optical illusions, and it touched on that a bit so that was cool!

    What kind of stuff is your version of productive? :O
    Ha, I'm doing that too. Right now I'm kind of torn between wishing I was more motivated and trying to be okay with being lazy :O I got a lot of stuff done this weekend though! Also I'm watching Labyrinth for the first time.
    It occurred to me that we've never really talked much before, and since we are fellow forumgoers - hello! How's it going?
    Good game! That's the first time that ability actually worked like I wanted it to, heh.
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