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  • It's my stupid internet that's been acting up. I was trying to upload it and the connection was interrupted in the middle and messed up the rest of the file. It will be fixed whenever it actually uploads itself correctly.
    It did that to me tooooo :( and now we have to wait to ~february~. I've been replaying T&T, as it seems to be a fandom tradition to replay the games before a new one comes out.

    Oh yeah, and I read your HGSS blog thing! And then started the platinum one. I like it it's funny :D
    So I dug up my old journal things from two years ago cause I thought I wrote stuff about the original Ace Attorney Mafia in it. And I did! There's a role list and a tiny snippet of actions log and a couple different scenarios that I don't think were ever actually posted. Or maybe they were idr. ~directors edition unreleased content~ cough. Anyway so I typed up the relevant entries verbatim if you were interested, or not, either way. I just remembered you were 'Phoenixsong' when I was typing up that name and thinking 'wait why does kratos remember if she's not on the list? ... oh yeah!" so yeah. The writing smells like teenie stupid imo :( I was fourteen. man.

    Anyway anyway so I'll be starting a new one! Ace Attorney Mafia, that is. I wish Butterfree would put off whatever she's doing and go fix up that totally more important Mafia forum. :B
    Hey, Kratos. My battle with Heavy Lobster has finished, so if you still want to go with that Centurian-battle challenge then let's go for it. I'll keep my Taillow unevolved so it'll be more of a fair fight.
    I retract that horrendous allegation with my utmost apology.

    But I maintain that screeching is fun.
    Naw, just that my Staryu fainted. It was a 2vs2. And take your time, because both my battles will probably take some time to wrap themselves up.
    Actually, Aethelstan, who has disappeared somewhere, was reffing my battle with Heavy Lobster - it's like, 3 pages back, but it's still an active battle. Which sucks. I'd call an emergency ref, but I typically like to contact the original ref before running to the E-Ref Outpost, and since he won't be back for a few months, I've got a bit of a problem on my hands. I'll probably try to get an e-ref anyway, if he isn't back within another week.

    I'm sure we could work the catchphrase out somehow. Though I still like the admittedly-silly prospect of Kratos screeching, you could, perhaps, eat people after beating them in a battle of wits.
    Ohhh, pfff. Sorry. I'm a slow person, very slow. I cannot extract sarcasm from someone's voice at all, and I'm even more hopeless over the internet.

    Best new ASBer against the best battler, eh? Unfortunately, at the moment, I'm barred, but I'll be glad to take on your challenge when one of my battles finish. I am so going to get whooped, because honestly I don't know how to use a Taillow at all.

    And psst, Mike and I are trying to come up with random catchphrases for ASB people. Do you really not mind being... screechy? Because if you don't, that really will be your catchphrase.
    Don't blame me; blame Mike :P He's the one who brought it up; I just need to learn to proofread my work.
    Out of curiosity, though, why my Taillow? Just because he has a name from ToS?

    (Okay, all blasphemy aside, sorry if that offended you. If you want, I can change it to make it clearer that it's Räsvelg's the one who's screeching, with him being a pseudo-gryphon and all.)
    Something's up with your damage calculator.

    A Snorlax using Zen Headbutt on a Toxicroak gets a grand total of 2 damage. Surely this can't be correct...?
    I was thinking of messing around with Linux sometime in the near future, and I was wondering if you had found it worthwhile.
    Hey, just wondering; a while ago (like, a couple of years?) you mentioned that you were trying some Linux distributions on your computers. Do you still use those?
    I feel special now. :o
    I have no idea what I can actually do outside of WiFi though.
    If you look at the forum leaders... thing, it goes Moderators, Administrators, Moderators and then Super Moderators. Mudkip is only in the 1st moderators section whereas we're in both. (Plus I asked for the italics.)

    So, YEEEEESSS! >:3
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