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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    Icy gained a level!

    Happy birthday! Have a cookie: O And a donut! 0 Yeah, Pichu Chris , superbird, and Pwnemon are more artistic than me, haha. Have an awesome day, and I hope your PC runs well.
  2. NegativeVibe

    Krazoa has arrived and offers cookies X3

    Smileys are quite fun. I enjoy cookies! But if you want to talk, then...how are you doing today, Krazoa? Which Pokemon do you like? And which cookies? :)
  3. NegativeVibe

    A completely unplanned story - wow, I really like that concept. I plan out a general plot...

    A completely unplanned story - wow, I really like that concept. I plan out a general plot, usually, but I think in RPing you can go really far with just seeing where the story takes you. I like how you combine the sort of modern world with dragons and that sort of thing. I usually do something...
  4. NegativeVibe

    Ah, yes. That makes sense, some people dropping out or just not posting that often, yeah. It's...

    Ah, yes. That makes sense, some people dropping out or just not posting that often, yeah. It's why I've decided to do only 1 RP at a time. I've seen people who do a lot at one time, and at least to me they seem sort of spread thin. I like how you don't really plan it out too much, and just sort...
  5. NegativeVibe

    Krazoa has arrived and offers cookies X3

    If you don't like seafood, I could offer you freshly-cooked dragonflies. I hope there are still cookies left. :D Anyway, welcome and have a good time.
  6. NegativeVibe

    Gun rights

    I agree with this. Also, people are going to obtain guns illegally anyway if they want them badly enough - they'll find a way, so it may be better for people to be able to defend themselves. If you can't have a gun, then you're at risk from being hurt by those who have obtained one illegally...
  7. NegativeVibe

    Opinions on the games you have played.

    Sapphire - first I completed. Liked almost everything except for version exclusives and stuff like that. Emerald - Meh. I can get Mawile now, yay! But it really failed to impress me. Diamond - Best game ever. In terms of region, catchable pokes, storyline, etc. SoulSilver - Love the...
  8. NegativeVibe


    Hi! I lurked for the longest time before joining up here...and usually, I still do just that, lurking. Welcome :)
  9. NegativeVibe

    Yeah, I do like how an IM one would be more focused. Although a forum one sounds interesting...

    Yeah, I do like how an IM one would be more focused. Although a forum one sounds interesting, too, even though the one I'm in has around fifteen people in it. And that sounds awesome, how you worked together and he got his characters' stories to sort of mesh with yours. Did you have a planned...
  10. NegativeVibe

    ole_schooler vs NegativeVibe (Ref: Negrek)

    Whoops. I blame my Pokedex. Nintendo be eaten. Oh well. All right, Spectre - if it's a physical move they want, it is a physical move they are going to get. Start this off with Captivate. If you attack first next move, use Protect against that dastardly Sucker Punch. If you're hit first...
  11. NegativeVibe

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Aargh Mr. Dude, a shiny Feebas?? Lucky! :) Which game was it in? My shiny count is still zero. Haha I need to play more. (I spend more time on fanfiction than the games, because in fanfiction you can theoretically make shinies appear any time you want! You know, within reasonable limit.)
  12. NegativeVibe

    In Progress Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Divide

    Um hi... I've never played PMD, but I did like this. It was a little sad and difficult to figure out how the whole mystery dungeon thing worked, but overall I thought it was good. I couldn't find any mistakes to point out, although I do wish that Grovyle would give Holly a break :D Anyway, good...
  13. NegativeVibe

    Greetings Fellow Members.

    Nice, a new member. Hello.
  14. NegativeVibe


    Hi Welcome to the cave. :)
  15. NegativeVibe

    Morality of Training Pokemon

    ^^I wouldn't be surprised. :D This makes sense. I agree with this too. A trainer shouldn't capture a Pokemon that wants to stay wild, while a wild Pokemon that wanted to remain that way would stay out of the trainer's path. Of course, they're going to cross paths sooner or later, so the...
  16. NegativeVibe


    Hi! I give approval to your username as well, and I don't even eat sushi. :D But it's still an awesome name.
  17. NegativeVibe

    Snake in the Cave?

    Hello. Snakes are awesome. :) as you can see by my avatar! I give competetive battling a wide berth, so I can't help you there, but I do enjoy anime-style battling.
  18. NegativeVibe

    Hello And Good Night.(not really but read this!)

    Hi! I want to read your story, too. I can try to correct some stuff. :)
  19. NegativeVibe

    All right, thanks. :) I just signed up for an RP so I wanted to make sure I did it fine. I...

    All right, thanks. :) I just signed up for an RP so I wanted to make sure I did it fine. I didn't know about IM RPing though, that's really interesting. Yeah, I think I'll try it. It's always fun too when sometimes you get side conflicts that come out of nowhere too, driven by your minor...
  20. NegativeVibe

    When My Life Suddenly Changed

    Hey, that's good that you decided to see a psychiatrist. They help a lot (I'm embarrassed to say that I know this from experience). And yeah, I'm scared to death about applying for college, because I'm not that independent either. Anytime someone says those words, "what college are you...
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