• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
My name is Dynamo. Sup?

I've been to this site countless times before. It's a pleasure to finally join and meet you guys. I hope I'm active. I'll try my hardest to be.
Cool! Nice to meet you. Actually, until I joined, I just browsed around for about 6 months. But here I am.

Anyway, I am Superbird, the resident Bird-loving user. I also provide beverages, fish and pastries which normally cost 25 posts, but New users get them for free. Would you like some Tea and cod? Coffee and Salmon? Red Bull and Crab Cakes? Milk and cookies? Anything you'd like?

...Oh yes. No matter what anyone tells you, Do Not Step On The Welcome Mats. They will bite you. Instead, use those mats over there *points* that don't have the word "Welcome" on them. To finish, please enjoy your stay! I hope to see you around.
Hi there.

I am Male Gardevoir, also known as Cuddlefuzz or Cuddles or Fuzzums, and I am some silly dork who really does not do anything of significance here.

Either way I hope you will enjoy your time here.
Welcome. Since I usually say a cliched message, or one that is copy-pasted, I'll say something different.


Utter silence. Check out the Anime Style Battling section, please.
Yes, as it's more fun typing intros then abusing copy/paste.

Anyways, hai, I be Mewtwo, do as you please. I, the ruler of the internet, allows you.
Hello there, Dynamo! I'm Mini_Moonwalker, and welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies fourms! Hopefully everything you find here will be pleasurable to you, and if you need anything, please, don't hesitate to ask!

Enjoy and welcome once again!
Hi! I lurked for the longest time before joining up here...and usually, I still do just that, lurking. Welcome :)
Ah welcome friend. I hope you enjoy our humble cave.

DO NOT EAT ANY COD. They have been poisoned when we dumped Tea in the river. But at least we have Teacod.

I am Brock... uh resident... Rock type user. I guess.
Hi there.

I am Male Gardevoir, also known as Cuddlefuzz or Cuddles or Fuzzums, and I am some silly dork who really does not do anything of significance here.

Either way I hope you will enjoy your time here.

Exept writing Brendon Namron: Ace Attorny *HintHint*

Welcome. Your Appartment is your Profile, the Pool is the collection of threads, then there's the Arcade which is the Games section. May I take your luggage? Offer you some beverages? Same as the rest, Tea and Cod, Coffee and Salmon, Red Bull and Crab Cakes, Wine and Lobster, Milk and Cookies, Milkshake and Chocolate, ect.

I am Pichu Chris, resident evil genius friendly guy who lives down the street. (But in Australia)
Interestingly enough, the "Unwelcome" mats are the safe ones.

Anyways, 'sup new dude. How dare you lurk and not join us until now?

Hypocritical greeting terminated.
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