• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Lord of Sushi

New member
I've been browsing the site for about a year now and finally decided to join.

My interest in Pokemon came back when I picked up my Pearl version a week ago. I particularly like trading, and have some decent Pokemon, so if you want to trade, PM me your friend code and set a trade time (I'm in Central Standard Time).

I've played Pokemon since Red version (the franchise made it's American debut on my year of birth), but I got obsessed with Gen III.

That's probably all I can type (stupid limit on my PS3's browser), so ,yeah I'll be around.
Hello! I am Brock, Pewter Gym Leader. I can assure I can not be defeated, so don't try.

That aside...

Hello! Do not wipe your feet on the Carnivourys Welcome Mats, don't eat any fish we give you because it is polluted, and enjoy you're stay!

And if you enjoy Pokemon, I recomend our ASB section!!
Welcome. Glad you decided to join. I'm (RespectThe)Blade, and as you can see, am all about Gallade. I dislike steel types though, because of their resistance to Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Stone Edge and X-Scissor. *coughmawilecough*

I've gotten off on a tangent, haven't I?

Well, greetings, tea and cod, Carnivourous welcome mats, Anime-Style Battling, yadda yadda.
I admit, I'm horrible at greetings. -_-
Greetings! I am Superbird, resident Scratch Spriter and Bird Lover. Everything I normally say has already been said though, so...Would you like a beverage? And either fish or pastries? Top quality!
Hello! I am Brock, Pewter Gym Leader. I can assure I can not be defeated, so don't try.

But I know your weakness:


or, rather, girls in general?

Anyway, welcome to tCoD! Don't kill yourself on the welcome mats, have some non-evil cookies, and enjoy your stay!

(also I approve of your username as well)
Hi! I give approval to your username as well, and I don't even eat sushi. :D But it's still an awesome name.
Hi! I'd greet you or something but Brock stole my greeting =/
But uh yeah. I don't approve of sushi, being a vegetarian, but I respect your right to eat as you please.
I go out of my way to be politically-correct in real life, too. Aren't personality traits nice?
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