• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Krazoa has arrived and offers cookies X3


Chasing after glowy things
hehe hello everyone ^.^ I am Krazoa, I doubt many of you know me xD but I figured an introduction is an order ^.^ I love to make new friends and I am always offering cookies to people ^.^ and well xD below is a little bit of information about me to get you going ^.^

I am known as Krazoa =3

I'm 18 and female ^.^

I love making new characters and often draw things ^.^ I do have an msn but you'll have to become a friend to get that xD and well yeah boring into ^.^ oh and did I mention if I was a pokemon I would be a shiny ninetales =3

hehe anyways thank you for reading my introduction ^.^

*offers cookies to all those who have read and visited this*

YES COOOOOKIES *om nom nom nom*

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, resident crazy humanoid cat at your service. *curtsies* Ironically, if I were a Pokémon, I'd be an Espeon.

EDIT: Haha, I stole Shadow's cookie =3
Figures I'd be the first to reply to a thread offering cookies.

Welcome, m'lady. *bows*

Edit: NOOO Mewtwo stole my cookie!
Well, in the cave, cookies are a good way to get ahead.

*takes cookie and omnomnoms it*

I'm (RespectThe) Blade. Grettings and salutations, and enjoy your stay, tea and cod, carnivourous welcome mats, genric greetings and yadda yadda.

(Also, I've signed a mental pact to ask every new member to check out the Anime-Style Battling thread. so go. naow.)
hehe I always offer cookies xD no matter where I am I offer cookies ^.^ and hehe I shall go check it out =3 thank you for the welcome Blade ^^
*gets milk for cookie* Would you like some kind of combination of beverage, fish, or pastry? I am this forum's lead provider of numerous combinations, including Tea and Cod, Coffee and Salmon, and Red Bull and Crab Cakes. Would you like some? Incidentally, can I take your baggage?

Random offers aside, I am Superbird, this forum's resident Bird Lover. Nice to meet you!

...Also, whatever you do, do not step on the welcome mats. They WILL hurt you.
hehe I dont like sea food ^^; except for tuna ^^; and thank you for the warning xD I'll keep a good look out for these evil welcome mats ^.^ it's nice to meet you Superbird and thank you for the very nice welcome ^^
If you don't like seafood, I could offer you freshly-cooked dragonflies.

I hope there are still cookies left. :D Anyway, welcome and have a good time.
Ohai.~ I'm known here as Steele. Mostly here for free food. *Grabs cookie*

Welcome to teacod, low in cholesterol, high in fiber! :P

*Steals superbird's coffee, then siphons his milk into it and dips cookie in it* DELISH.
Beware the welcome mats. They will try to eat you. I have proof! *rolls up trouser leg* See? THEY TRY TO EAT YOUR BRAINS! It's a good thing I'm a lot taller then they are...but my leg still bloody hurts...anyway...

COOOKIES! *nomnomnomnom*

Welcome to *nomnom* the Cave of *dipps cookie in milk* Dragonflies forums. Go check out the ASB place. You won't regret it!
lol xD thanks for all the welcomes =3 and there are always plenty of cookies and it seems people prefer to come here for cookies rather then to talk xD but oh well =3 I dont mind ^.^
Smileys are quite fun.

Krazoa said:
lol xD thanks for all the welcomes =3 and there are always plenty of cookies and it seems people prefer to come here for cookies rather then to talk xD but oh well =3 I dont mind ^.^
I enjoy cookies! But if you want to talk, then...how are you doing today, Krazoa? Which Pokemon do you like? And which cookies? :)
Everything in moderation, I suppose. I know what smileys are, lol...

Anyway, Krazoa, have a good time here.

...but then again, it's not against the rules, and even if it was, nobody cares. So, welcome. I'm Twitch, and I've been here for kind of a while I guess. Have common sense and be nice and you will be liked.
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