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2009 Tea Party Protests: For or Against?

Are you for or against Tea Parties?

  • I'm all for them. Something needs to be done about the American Government.

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I could care less. It's the USA's business about whether or not taxes grow higher.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • No way! These people should realize that high taxes aren't that bad.

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • It's great that they are doing this for something they believe in, but I honestly don't mind the tax

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


Yarn is comfy and easy to wear

I'm personally for the Tea Parties. It isn't that I'm against Obama or Bush, but rather because I don't want to pay higher taxes because what these two administrations have done in the past few months. High taxes aren't always bad, but what we will have to pay for in the future because of some irresponsible people is just mad. This really only applys to the USA right now, but because a large part of the global economy depends on us, it will soon start spreading elsewhere unless something is done. Of course, that is just my opinion, but it seems we hardly get a say in what happens anymore.
This hasn't received nearly enough exposure to make an impact of any sort.

Not that I'm hoping it would, but you know.
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I despise out deteorating Capitalist (more like CRAP-italist), government, and want Communism to prevail and establish me as ruler of the world! That is my dream. Anywho, I'm all for the protests. DOWN WITH THE CAPITALIST PIGS! UP WITH COMMUNIST SOCIETIES!

So, um. If you don't want higher taxes because of what your government is doing then what's the point of the government? If it can't tax it has no money so it can't provide vital services such as a good education and a healthcare syst--oh.

I despise out deteorating Capitalist (more like CRAP-italist), government, and want Communism to prevail and establish me as ruler of the world! That is my dream. Anywho, I'm all for the protests. DOWN WITH THE CAPITALIST PIGS! UP WITH COMMUNIST SOCIETIES!


dude you are the most surreal guy ever

protests are cool but these in particular are dumb. as far as I can tell, they're not really even sticking to protesting taxes; they're just generally protesting liberalism as they see it
teeheehee 'teabagging' Obama

Anyway, yeah. This seems to have become less about taxes and more about "We hate Obama/liberals in general".
Guys, this polluting of Boston harbor has to stop.

Okay, now that that's over with, I think it's ridiculous. One of these protests bought 1 million tea bags. As Jon Stewart pointed out, it's wasteful spending to protest "wasteful" spending.

And when has Fox News ever not been insane?
hay guise, what's goin' on in thi
s thread?
Obviously f***ing political discussion, or a lack of it, depending how you look at it.

I don't support the wasteful spending to protest wasteful spending, nor do I support any polluting. The point of the protests weren't to bash Obama, but rather some of his economic policies. Some people just took it to "hate the liberals!" and stuff.
Ah yes, Obama's horrible policies, such as raising taxes on people who get over 250,000 dollars a year (10% less than under Reagan, mind), lowering taxes on poorer people, not wasting a fucking ridiculous amount of money on the dumbest goddamn war next to Israel/Palestine, wanting to funnel more into Arts, Education and Healthcare...
Makes me want to throw up.
Why didn't these protests occur when Bush was leading the country? Biggest spender that side of the pond, mate, didn't hear them complain then. Probably because the money was being used to kill brown people.

I mean this is the average standard of the Tea Party:

I hate the name Tea Party too because it's ruining my image of tea parties forever. Tea parties are awesome.

And all those people with boards calling Obama a Socialist ugggh. I wish he was a Socialist! He's a Centrist. Socialist countries are doing very well thank you anyhow so the 'insult' is irrelevant. I don't go around calling Bush a fascist because he had some far-right ideas either.
I hate the tea parties even more because it's ruining my love of history. That, and they're acting like Obama's going to tax them clean, take their houses, rape their daughters and wives, and murder their sons. Because he feels like it.

Also Fox News says they aren't sponsoring any when they put their name in front of one. And are parading it all around their channel.

So not only are they not respecting the people who contributed to making their home as it is, they're ruining a perfectly good drink for all of us.

Don't know how that last one came up.
From what I'm hearing? I'm against these tea parties.


I am also in opposition to paying that man who was in that link that opal posted to report like that.
Mostly because while he gets payed to do that, when I try the same thing, I get kicked from IRC channels and slapped and booed. That is to say, I'm jealous.
I'm reviving this thread because I counter-protested at a Tea Party rally today with my brother, dad, and stepmom, so I have some first-hand insight about these people.

Holy shit are these people crazy. First of all, none of our signs were derogatory towards the Tea Party or even offensive. They were just listing the things Obama has done (including passing health care reform, and CUTTING taxes for the working class). And we were content to just hold our signs out and stand there quietly...

Until the insults and bull baiting started. And it was bad.

I knew it was going to be bad when I saw that there was a sign comparing Obama to Hitler. It started with this enormous fat man coming over and saying "Let me tell you about Jesus..." Which sent my father, a man who has read the Bible multiple times, into a fury as he proceeded to pelt the man with scripture about how Jesus would vote for healthcare reform. Then came this crazy old woman who started screaming at us, shouting "LALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" at our counterarguments, and she then jumped out in front of my stepmom and pretended to trip, fake-screaming all the way (the police guarding the rally had to tell her off, lol) It was then that we knew we had to step it up, so we took our signs to the very center of the rally, where there were sneers and insults abound. Of course, the insults were never backed up, and the people became dumbfounded when we asked them to explain their position. People were covering up our signs with their stupid snake flags, and when my dad put my little three-year old stepsister on his shoulders to keep her out of the mud, one man kept HITTING HER IN THE FACE WITH HIS SIGN.

And what's worse, they have no cohesive message whatsoever. They scream "CONSTITUTION" and "SOCIALISM" every five seconds without even bothering to explain why (probably because the constitution has NOTHING to do with their message) They use the "Don't Tread On Me" snake, but don't understand what it represents. (It's taxation without representation. THESE PEOPLE HAVE TONS OF REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT) And yes, most of their signs were direct attacks on Obama rather than calling for less government.

Oh, and did I mention that the only minority person there was my stepmom and her kid? They had this Mexican rapper guy, but judging by how God-awful and emotionless his rap was, I'm willing to bet he was paid to be there just so they wouldn't look like the big bunch of ignorant racists they are.

This isn't about lower taxes and less government anymore. This is an organization of fear and hatred. It's a cult that's trying to drag America backwards when we're finally, FINALLY starting to progress. I knew all this before I went to this rally, but this drilled it into my head how bad it really is.

Oh, and we got interviewed by a newspaper. And we might be on TV. We're definitely gonna be on Youtube, so I'll post a video if I find it. We brought a camcorder, but never found time to use it. Also, the police present were great. They stuck pretty close to us and seemed to keep the people who wanted to punch us away. They even told off crazy lady.

EDIT: Oh hey, look! Here's a video of the whole thing! And you get to see the crazy lady in this one, too!
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i actually have it as my desktop background. :D

I have it on a t-shirt. Do I win? :D

All this talk of tea and no actual tea is making me so very sad.

My absolute favourite thing to come of this debate: a 10% tax on tanning salons (same reasoning behind taxing tabacco - an unnecessary luxury linked to cancer).

The outrage?

The lovely Glenn Beck said:
For years I’ve suggested that racism was in decline and yeah, there are some, you know, incidents that still happen with regards to racism, but most of the claims I’ve said for years, well, they’re not really real. But I realize now that I was wrong. For I now too feel the pain of racism. Racism has been dropped at my front door and the front door of all lighter-skinned Americans. The health care bill the president just singed into law includes a 10 percent tax on all indoor tanning sessions starting July 1st, and I say, who uses tanning? Is it dark-skinned people? I don’t think so. I would guess that most tanning sessions are from light-skinned Americans. Why would the President of the United Stats of America — a man who says he understands racism, a man who has been confronted with racism — why would he sign such a racist law? Why would he agree to do that? Well now I feel the pain of racism.

(from here)

You couldn't make it up.

I don't understand the mentality of these people at all. These protests, to me, look like a large group of petulant children screaming and kicking because their parents have told them to share.
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