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A month's work in a day.


Probably shouldn't be here.
Can't believe that no one posted this.

Within a day of being President, Obama has now called for the closure of Guantanamo Bay, held the trial for the 9/11 terrorists by 120 days to review everything, and froze the paychecks of White House staff earning more than 100k PA to save money due to the crunch. Plus a new holiday. Promising, ne?

Congratulations, America.

EDIT: The 100k pay freeze is for everyone with a 100k PA, not just the White House Staff.
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Really? Wow, I hope he knows what hes doing. I think we need to give him a little more time before we judge anything...
Really? Wow, I hope he knows what hes doing. I think we need to give him a little more time before we judge anything...
Under the Bush administration, this would have taken over a month to do; a week to think of it, another to check approval ratings, and a fortnight to finish the paperwork.

He's already proven himself by going into action right after his inauguration. We'll just see if his administration keeps this up.

...You guys can keep Paris, we want Obama on our side.
New holiday?

Man, he did all of that within a day? I didn't think the president had that much power. Guess I need to pay more attention to the news then.

Great news. I've been hoping to see that fucking Guantanamo closed for ages now and it's awesome that he's declared this so quickly.
Obameeee <3
Paris Hilton made a new TV show over here about her finding a new British pet, and it's on the headlines.

Guantanamo's on page 7. Shows where Britain's priorities lie.
oh I thought you meant the city of Paris so I was all what the hell :v
and yeah depending on the newspaper I'll be more or less surprised.

ps: 'british pet' meaning an animal or a person.
I sure hope he knows what he's doing.
Seriously, sure getting ahead is a good thing, but if you have NO IDEA what you're doing, it'll end in disaster.
Huh. I really need to follow the news more on my extended stays at Shadey's.

Good news.
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