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having d1 reads? idk seems pretty agendaed... gonna light SR youlol i think it is ok/understandable to not have any reads yet
we just do :'D
towny mindmeldimagine thinking you can read people based on what's happened so far
lmao couldn't be me
tbh I don't remember anything anyone's said in this memefuckery eitherJackPK seems like an ok place to start because I literally don't remember anything he's said in this extremely long-running game?
big sameI will probably say it in every single mafia game I play, but I feel comfortable in mid- to late-game when mechanical interactions start being important and I am completely lost in early game when it's all memes and gutreads
Me now paranoid that this is some kind of power activation phrase:like this?
don’t worry, i would never!Me now paranoid that this is some kind of power activation phrase:like this?![]()
as far as RSP’s fruit meming goes, i guess it could make sense that the fruit is some sort of neighborizer? that would explain the whole role blocking thing (that would obviously only be the case if the role blocker actually existed and RSP wasn’t just meming this entire thing? given previous games history i really don’t know what to think rn, but in the hypothetical universe where they did get RBed today, then maybe more conclusions could be drawn tomorrow if they aren’t RBed?)