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another homework poll ...

least favourite of these...

  • math

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • science

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • language arts

    Votes: 6 8.6%
  • history

    Votes: 6 8.6%
  • geography

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • second language (french, spanish, etc.)

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Gym

    Votes: 22 31.4%
  • Music

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Art

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • drama

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The amount of people who dislike maths saddens me. Immensely. :(

I think that's because it's 'cool' to not like maths.
I doubt everyone finds it hard, it's just become one of those things.
It's annoying because I'm trying to think of another 'one of those things' but I just can't :(

I thought I didn't like maths until I realized I was just going with the crowd.
Well, we have Maths online so its actually okay, plus you can suspend the account for a while so you din't have to do it... heheh. I'm a bad person.

I put History, its always long, never ending, dull essays.

I do like Biology, and I might enjoy the others too, but... I was shoved in a really crap class for no apparent reason and now have to put up with absolute hell three or four times a week. It sucks~

Plus we never learn about anything interesting - and when we do, it's ruined in some way.

I used to hate P.E., but now that I have friends it seems a whole lot better, so... XD Plus I like running around a bit once a week.
I think that's because it's 'cool' to not like maths.
I doubt everyone finds it hard, it's just become one of those things.
It's annoying because I'm trying to think of another 'one of those things' but I just can't :(

I thought I didn't like maths until I realized I was just going with the crowd.

More people need to realise that maths is not actually a bad subject and need to stop spouting 'but I'll never uuuuuse it :(!' all the time, though.

(like disliking the sciences, you mean?)
Second language. Mostly because all the teachers I've had have been horrible.

I don't not like math because it's 'cool' not to like it, it's the most boring class I have and I really can't find anything fun or interesting in it like I can do with Science, History, English, and other stuff. I mean, I guess math is interesting, but it's not my type of interesting. There's also that whole 'you get one thing wrong everything else is wrong fool' thing that isn't exacty helpful.

I haven't had Gym/PE in years.
(like disliking the sciences, you mean?)

You mean 'one of those things'?
No, just something that people only do because everyone else does.
Not everyone hates science like that.

The best example that I can think of (which is terrible) is like how nintendo/sony/microsoft fanboys seem to hate the other companies' consoles for no reason.
Or maybe people who don't watch sci-fi shows or read comics just because 'they're for nerds'.

I'm terrible at explaining stuff :(
I'm going to fail the comprehension part of my exams.


I don't not like math because it's 'cool' not to like it,
I didn't say that was everyone's reason.
Math. I don't understand it. *Can't do math past a sixth grade level despite being in 10th grade.* I have to repeat Algebra I this year to. ;__;
Uh, yeah, I don't think many people dislike maths to be cool
It's just a little, you know, mind-numbingly dull.
Gym (or Physical Education as the USians call it)

It's basically this:

Yay, I'm done!
"Alright class! One more lap! And you're getting timed!"

PE (gym), which is basically football T_T

You know what? I think that teachers are just too dumb to realize that most career paths don't require higher math than algebra. Honestly, people.

This logic is idiotic and can be applied to just about every subject on that list.
"Physics!? Who needs to know how atoms work in most career paths!?"

Denying knowledge due to lack of supposed usefulness is foolish.
Picked Gym, mostly because it's last period. My Gym teacher likes to have us in post-class huddle discussions, I need to run all the way across the school and back while taking the long way (there's a staircase right in front of us, but it's the up staircase and we need to go down) and dodging people in "Team Edward" t-shirts and people too busy texting to watch where they're going. x-x And then there's the simple setback of Advisory which noms up some of our time and makes the bell ring even earlier. B days are not fun.

It's just a little, you know, mind-numbingly dull.

It seems to me you have never met my math teacher Mrs. Haberthur. :O
the number of people that don't like dodge ball kick ball gym saddens me :'[

I mean come one guys it's dodge ball kick ball gym
Gym, I guess. I don't see why so many people hate Maths so much. Even if you are bad at it they are just numbers :D But maybe I'm just weird[most likely]
Gym is the bane of my liiiife.

Last year it was art because my art class sucked balls. But this year I has gym and it...ugh. Gr. Fuck. Damn. Poo.
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