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Anyone here smoke?


They don't call me Greed for nothing
My older brother is a stress smoker and well I wanna try it so he said next time we hangout we'll smoke. I just wanted to see if anyone else here did.
I dislike smoking. I don't really have a problem with other people doing it so much but you know, it's fine if they want to endanger their lives and those of the other people around them. >>
I don't. I try to avoid it.

I'd seriously advise, as others have said, not trying it. People who smoke a fair bit tend to smell awful and make anyone who lives around them smell awful too. I have a friend whose father smokes often, and everytime he comes over, he brings with him that disgusting scent, despite not smoking himself. If not for the health problems, then just think of the smell. It's REALLY hard to wash off, trust me. I used to live with a person who smoked often and I couldn't even go in their room because of the smell. It just doesn't make a good impression to smell like that and just really stinks.
Out of curiosity, why exactly do you want to try it?

I've never tried it. I don't particularly care if other people do and I don't really judge them for it, but I'm not really sure why people start in the first place.
I detest smoking so much that I'll cross the street just to avoid walking past someone who is smoking (I used to just hold my breath but there are some people who make it seem like they intentionally blew it in your face).

I don't really mind if people do do it since it's their choice to rick their health, so long as it's not in public where the smoke could affect others.
I'm not going to tell you not to smoke. If you want to smoke that's your choice. I just hope you understand that smoking causes all kinds of serious health problems, and will likely lead to an early grave.
Unless secondhand smoking from idiot relatives counts, no.

Don't do it, homie bro.

I've lost six family members to smoking, two neighbors on top of that. It'll kill you, so just try not to, m'kay?
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Do it near an asthmatic and I will personally claw your face off.

Other than that I suppose it's not my place to tell you not to do it at all, but I strongly do not condone it.
Don't smoke, especially not cigarettes which are nasty and will do all sorts of horrible things to you both temporarily and permanently, and are really not worth it. It's your choice though.

For what it's worth, pot is actually less harmful for you overall and you won't be doing it in public, but then it's illegal. So. *shrug*
Don't smoke, especially not cigarettes which are nasty and will do all sorts of horrible things to you both temporarily and permanently, and are really not worth it. It's your choice though.

For what it's worth, pot is actually less harmful for you overall and you won't be doing it in public, but then it's illegal. So. *shrug*

Tobacco smoking should be illegal. Pot smoking, on the other hand...
Used to try every once in a while (cigarettes, not weed) and it honestly isn't that great. Go ahead and give it a try if you want but it's pretty unpleasant.

Edit: Could you all ease up on the guy, please? It's not like he was going to go smoke in a hugely public area surrounded by several asthmatics.
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