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Anyone wanna fight me


You can call me.....
alright so, i have literally become the best in the world at pokemon. I went to a tournament in dallas.... and won can i every be beat.
Ooookay.... I'll fight you. But, on that note, welcome! make yourself at home, generic greetings and all that. If you like battling so much, you should check out the Anime-Style Battling threads. Have a nice time here. (because I assume that you joined this forum for more than just battling people.)
hahahahahahaha this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey man its a site, enter some professional tournaments then talk to me. Oh and nice team by the way.
Well, you seem very...confident, I suppose?

Er, anyway, welcome to the forums! I have to second the recommendation of ASB, especially since you like battling so much.

Enjoy your stay!
The only real reason I haven't attended any tournaments lately is because EVERY SINGLE ONE is more than 400 miles from where I live. I'll still look forward to wi-fi battles, though.
hahahahahahaha this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey man its a site, enter some professional tournaments then talk to me. Oh and nice team by the way.

He's been around here far longer than you; I think he may just know how this whole 'site' shebang works. How do you know he hasn't ever entered professional tournaments? He could perhaps be better than you - we have no proof that you won these tournaments, and we don't even know your team.
Actually, I beg to differ.

GhostStriker69 in a recent PM said:
Well somtimes, you can actually say "no" and they won't. My team then was Gardevior, Poliwrath, Shuckle, Blaziken, Spirtomb, and Shedinja, the whole skill swap when ever you pulled a double battle was a great combo. I got lucky on the championship because he could not take down my shuckle.
GhostStriker69 in a recent PM said:
Well somtimes, you can actually say "no" and they won't. My team then was Gardevior, Poliwrath, Shuckle, Blaziken, Spirtomb, and Shedinja, the whole skill swap when ever you pulled a double battle was a great combo. I got lucky on the championship because he could not take down my shuckle.

What are the movesets and EVs like?
Gyarados if coupled with rain dancer and a thunder-er, yould rape all of you team except shedinja. And Gyarados learns Fire Fang.
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