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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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No, there's not. "Virgin" as a concept doesn't really exist. All it means is "I have never had sex." I'm not sure why we even have a word for it, it's so silly. There's absolutely nothing "special" about your virginity at all.
If I were straight the age would be 16 here. It's illegal for gays to have sex in conservative South Carolina.
There are several states with no laws for homosexual men, and New Mexico has 13 as the gays' age (four years younger than heterosexuals).

I'm pretty sure it's legal to have gay sex anywhere in the US.
No, there's not. "Virgin" as a concept doesn't really exist. All it means is "I have never had sex." I'm not sure why we even have a word for it, it's so silly.

Eh, I think it's quite a handy term. Especially since you can use it to mean that you've never done something, even nonsexual, like how someone who's never been to the opera could be an opera virgin :D

Plus, anyone who studies theology would otherwiase have to talk about the concept of "the birth of Jesus to a woman who never had sex with a man", which is a bit wordy.
And what else could we call extra-virgin olive oil? And what would we rename the Virgin Islands?

Clearly, I've thought about this too much.
I think if we can have a word for the specific act of throwing someone out of a window then we can have a word for 'never had sex'.

Tbh I don't really see being a virgin or losing your virginity as something special or sacred. :/ All it means is that you've never done the horizontal tango, big whoop. It's just an experience you've never had.
Eh, I think it's quite a handy term. Especially since you can use it to mean that you've never done something, even nonsexual, like how someone who's never been to the opera could be an opera virgin :D

Plus, anyone who studies theology would otherwiase have to talk about the concept of "the birth of Jesus to a woman who never had sex with a man", which is a bit wordy.
And what else could we call extra-virgin olive oil? And what would we rename the Virgin Islands?

Clearly, I've thought about this too much.

No, I know why we have a word for it. I just don't see the need for a word for it. We don't have a word for someone who isn't a virgin, after all.
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