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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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A TCoD orgy? Sounds fun, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve/let me. :(
Don't actually remember what the age of consent is in Sweden. It used to be 15, but they might have upped it to 16... I'm not sure.
Maybe because I've grown up used to 18, it just seems young to me. (Not like too young for people, too young for the government to allow.)

hahaha to me sixteen seems old

it is either fifteen or fourteen here, I forget. They keep changing it.
I think we need to do something about this rather alarming ratio of virgins to non-virgins and have a big TCOD orgy. ;)

That must be the creepiest suggestion I've ever heard. xD

Anyway, if it does go ahead I think I'll just sit that one out. For everyone's sake. :3
... They aren't 100% guaranteed. That's why they get stacked.

Ripped condoms, faulty pill, that sort of fun.
What I find dead creepy and terrifying are those men or women who poke holes in the condom so that their partner has to stay with them for ever
Actually a condom always does the trick if you don't rip it. But accidents and shit happen, so yeah. Better safe than sorry and if you've got both it's always better. I know people that suck with the pill though, so they just use other methods (my ex used contraceptive injections), and I've known people what is termed a "spiral" (loose translation from Dutch. There's also women's condom and stuff.
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