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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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*Vague wave at age... thing... whatever it's called*
Besides which my reaction to physcal contact of any kind, even as small as a pat on the back, gives me an urge to punch the person.
Besides which I prefer to not talk to anyone, although I don't think this counts as talking to people. I am writing this, after all, not saying it.
Back on topic, YES. But for some reason the poll won't let me vote, even though I haven't voted yet.
I'm striving to remain this way FOR LIFE.
It's not going to work, though.
Does doing it with a tree count?

Still no change from last year, guys! :D
Oh, hey. It returns.

Still a virgin, thank God. It seems to be an accomplishment when you compare with other people my age at school. And most of them aren't just bragging. :/
I am~ But I'm asexual, and the thought of sex scares and repulses me, so I'm certainly not planning to change that. x_x
This but minus the 'scared and repulsed' part. I might even be straight and all. I'm just not attracted to anything yet/ever so.

And uh well yes going from above

Just because you haven't become attracted to anything yet doesn't mean you should just assume asexuality -- just like how, I don't think, parents should assume their children are straight from the moment they're born.

So many people claim to be asexual, isn't it supposed to be like 1% of the population who actually are? Not saying everyone here who's 'asexual' are wrong, just... seems to be a lot of people saying it. :/
Oh, hey. It returns.

Still a virgin, thank God. It seems to be an accomplishment when you compare with other people my age at school. And most of them aren't just bragging. :/

The sex isn't the problem, though. The problem is that society/sex ed./etc. being still fairly negative about sex a lot of the time leads to a lot of people (especially teenagers) making dumb choices regarding sex — out of a lack of knowledge, or in an attempt to be secretive, or whatever. Even if you don't want anything to do with sex, acting exasperated about it just comes off as passive-aggressive, a bit like you want teenagers with sex lives to feel guilty or something. It's not much, but these things can build up.

Still a virgin.
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Yeah, still am. i'm a bit more dirty minded, but whatever :/

Don't see that changing anytime soon, what with the self-esteem issues and all.

Cause I'm saving myself, saving myself, saving myself for marriage~
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