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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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The perfect age for - wait I didn't get the memo, Christianity involves brainwashing?

Damn! I knew my religious beliefs changing to 'none' were all along some kind of HORRIBLY CATHOLIC BRAINWASHING I went through as a child!!
Jessie: i have no idea what you're trying to say

anyway most catholics i know are extremely lax about their beliefs

edit: of course you shouldn't be having sex at twelve. i was saying that not having sex because you're christian means you're brainwashed.
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Unfortunatly, yes, although I'm 14 [but want to lose it so much, I made the wish to 'get laid' this year on my birthday cake, took me 3 blows unfortunatly (it was a big cake)]

I need to start collecting these posts somewhere.
Jessie: i have no idea what you're trying to say

anyway most catholics i know are extremely lax about their beliefs

edit: of course you shouldn't be having sex at twelve. i was saying that not having sex because you're christian means you're brainwashed.

edit: of course you shouldn't be having sex at twelve. i was saying that not having sex because you're christian means you're brainwashed.
I hate it when people have their own faiths and beliefs and when they stick to their convictions. JERKS.
Yep. I'm still a virgin. My hormones are livid with me, especially since I've been with my wonderful girlfriend for so long now :D but sex is one of the last things on my mind (surprisingly. I guess it comes with being such a geek >.>), so we're waiting 'till we're both ready =/
Yes. I can't imagine why you would expect any different. I decided a while back that I'd rather have the father legally bound to the child in some way. I'd rather not tackle being a single mom. (And my mom is not getting anywhere near any of my children.) Then again, I'm still a minor, so I don't really have much to worry about there. That and I like having strings to pull things in my favor.
Yes. I can't imagine why you would expect any different. I decided a while back that I'd rather have the father legally bound to the child in some way. I'd rather not tackle being a single mom. (And my mom is not getting anywhere near any of my children.) Then again, I'm still a minor, so I don't really have much to worry about there. That and I like having strings to pull things in my favor.

Eh? You do know that just because you have sex it doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant. It's a possible risk, and a very low one at that if both people involved know what they're doing and are responsible.

Part of being responsible is prolly not having sex to begin with. It's not really "needed", so is it worth the risk...?

Mango - You just said it yourself. It's a risk. And it's not a risk I'm taking.
I'm turning 20 on the 27th, and yup, still a virgin. I actually almost lost it last year, but it didn't happen. Now I'm single. But it's for the best. Getting pregnant would be game over for me.
Yup... But me and my friends joke about losing it earlier. Stupid New Yorkers :D
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