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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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Guys, you don't "need" sex. But you can enjoy it.

And also any of you guys know what the word "contraceptive" means? Condom? Pill? Spiral?
Why didn't I respond to this earlier?

But yes, yes I am, and considering I'm the biggest loser ever I'll hardly ever get laid.
But yes, yes I am, and considering I'm the biggest loser ever I'll hardly ever get laid.
okay seriously, to you and anyone else who's said 'yes because I'm a loser/fat/ugly and I'll never have sex':

I'm overweight, I'm socially awkward, and out of my circle of friends generally considered the least attractive. I'm one of two girls that have had sex in our group. I was the first to have sex, too (by about a year).

~~even "losers" have sex too~~

Lost it... I think last year? Yeah last year. To a GIRL by the way.

If anyone cares about my personal stuff it was to my ex who I didn't know was cheating on me at the time.

Lost it... I think last year? Yeah last year. To a GIRL by the way.

I found this amusing. But as I don't know much about you and/or your current preferences I will not say anything until I know :x

I am a virgin. In pretty much every way :s
I found this amusing. But as I don't know much about you and/or your current preferences I will not say anything until I know :x

I am a virgin. In pretty much every way :s

Inside joke with a non-TCod friend. He always implies I'm gay.
I know, one of my best friends is gay, another is bi.

But I do not enjoy being called gay because my school doesn't beleive in gay rights and gay students are mistreated. ((Thank god its my last year))
He should meet me. I'm a male dancer. Ballet, Tap, Jazz, etc.

And I have a bit of a gay accent. BUT I AM COMPLETELY STRAIGHT I SWEAR!
He should meet me. I'm a male dancer. Ballet, Tap, Jazz, etc.

And I have a bit of a gay accent. BUT I AM COMPLETELY STRAIGHT I SWEAR!

Oh, don't worry, I believe you. I have a friend who's EXACTLY like that, pretty much, and he's straight.

...you wouldn't happen to be from Philly would you?

...not that being gay isn't cool though; i have a bi friend and I love him to death <3
It... Wouldn't really matter if you were. There's no need to 'swear' to it! Being gay is cool~!

Swearing to it doesn't necessarily mean that you think being gay in uncool or whatever (although I do fail to see how being of one orientation can be cooler than another) it's just that the fact that he dances implies that he's gay to other people.

If someone couldn't, say, name all of the planets but says "I took astronomy at school I swear" it doesn't mean they think that not having taken astronomy is a bad thing.

Okay I suck at analogies but I just want to point out that swearing you're not gay doesn't necessarily mean you think negatively or anything of those who are.
Oh, I know. I was joking, I don't actually think it's any 'cooler' than being, you know, straight. But the fact that he needed to swear to it makes it seem like he was desperately trying to make us believe him out of fear of being judged or something. Or maybe I'm digging too deep into this!

Incidentally, 'gay accent'? I think you mean 'camp accent'!
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