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Open As Darkness Falls

I feel Staree has no purpose in this.

Name: Tyson
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Team: Human
Appearance: Tyson has Brown hair, blue eyes, And a Bandana tied around his neck. (Or whatever its called. :0 ) He wears a Black T-shirt, Brown pants, and Gray shoes.

Personality: Tyson is friendly and can trust others easily, unlike his friend Staree (Yes, they know each other :0 ) . But when he gets tricked or stressed, watch out. Even though he seems nice, he can be tough even though he's only 14.

History: Ever since Tyson and Staree were little, they have been great friends. Unfortunatly, Staree chose not to have a Pokemon while Tyson did. Tyson wasn't with Staree when he was taken by the previous Galactics, but that doesn't take away their friendship.



Porygon 2






(Couldn't think of a name...)


I feel Staree has no purpose in this.

Name: Tyson
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Team: Human
Appearance: Tyson has Brown hair, blue eyes, And a Bandana tied around his neck. (Or whatever its called. :0 ) He wears a Black T-shirt, Brown pants, and Gray shoes.

Personality: Tyson is friendly and can trust others easily, unlike his friend Staree (Yes, they know each other :0 ) . But when he gets tricked or stressed, watch out. Even though he seems nice, he can be tough even though he's only 14.

History: Ever since Tyson and Staree were little, they have been great friends. Unfortunatly, Staree chose not to have a Pokemon while Tyson did. Tyson wasn't with Staree when he was taken by the previous Galactics, but that doesn't take away their friendship.



Porygon 2






(Couldn't think of a name...)



((In which case I'll swap Staree for Tyson. Accepted))

Tyson was heading towards the ruins on his Pidgiot, Razorblade. When he landed, he heard some other people in the cave. "What the hell..." He entered, surprised to see Pokemorphs.
((You don't need to bump it; it's only been 12 hours since the last post.))

The Unown floated cautiously, returning to the wall when it saw Noelle. But it did draw attention to an entire carving on the wall. Curious, Crystal used the power of the nighttime to draw faint light into the room; this was Moonlight. Now they could see better.

It wasn't a carving; it was a whole bunch of Unown.

((Now I need to think of what it says XD))
((We got to the entrance of the ruins, as in the entrance from Veilstone, and Crystal and Noelle found Unown on the walls of a cavern that was led to by a small passage. Other than that, not much.))
((Chao. Inactivity for ten hours doesn't warrant a bump.))

Oops. Maybe she hadn't been as quiet and slow as she'd hoped. The room lit up suddenly; Noelle wasn't really sure how that had happened, but her attention was drawn to a section of the wall covered with a line or two of Unown. It was amazing to see so many together, but the Pokemon were harder to read than the runes…
"Guess I'd better just come in... It's a cave anyway." Tyson looked around wondering what the Pokemorphs were doing. "Maybe this'll work. Come on out Maxout! Use Flash." Maxout used Flash, and light started emmitting from Maxout's Body.
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"So not even that.. You mine as well stay out Maxout." Tyson examined the wall writing. "This seems badly damaged.. What happened here?"
Just then, a few Unown poped out of the wall. "Interesting."
Well them my mistake. I thought tjey were in there. And if you're saying that he hasn't encountered any other Pokemorphs, remember that him an Staree were friends. And he went IN the cave. If it was dark, he used his Maxout's Flash.)
(He never went there for a reason. Think about it. He could be heading for Pastoria for a gym badge, but stumbled apon the cave. Make sense?)

As Tyson examined more, he found a... Noctowl Morph?
((No, he walked in into the darkness and…I give up. -deletes-))

Footsteps echoed down the cave. Noelle eyed them frightenedly until they revealed themselves to be human. How he can breathe so normally is beyond me, she thought, stepping closer to Crystal. "I've about had it with humans…"
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"Hush. Don't scare away the Pokemon," Noelle snapped. She wasn't in the best of moods, and the fact that her last encounter with a human had been extremely aggravating didn't help one bit. He would probably muck everything up and make murder seem justified, like Leonard had…

((This is Noelle's opinion. Not mine. It's just fun beingean if you have an opportunity. :D))
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