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Open As Darkness Falls

((oh my god being grounded sucks. oh well. I went in the cave with you guys. So...Yeah.))

Leo followed Noelle and Crystal into the cave. They went through a series of passages and eventually ended up in a large cavern. There was something floating in the centre of the room. It backed away when Noelle went to investigate it but then Leo caught sight of something that made him momentarilly(Im pretty sure thats not how you spell it.) forget about the unown. There, on the cavern wall, was two whole lines of runes. Leo went forward to investigate. "Oh my god..." he said, because they weren't runes on the walls. They were unown.
((I said two lines? I was planning on three. :P ))

Crystal closely examined the Unown. She knew they represented letters and was somewhat good at reading them. Slowly, she read them to herself in her mind, and then said, "It's in the format of a haiku...

"From cover of dark,
a group, targeting those of
Two bodies, one man."

She closed her eyes and thought. "It sounds like a prophecy... but 'two bodies, one man?' I don't get that."
((Yay, this RP's fairly alive again. =D))

Noelle stared at the Unown, trying to think of the poem as a sentence rather than three lines. From cover of dark, a group, targeting those of two bodies, one man. "Maybe…" she started slowly, "it means they're targeting a group that's split into two places? Or…two bodies…holy-! Maybe it means Pokemorphs! 'Two bodies' means the two species, and 'one man' could mean that one species is human. But…who would do that?"
((Very good. :D ))

"As it says, there's a group." Crystal began to explain her thoughts. "I'm remembering what my mother told me of Team Galactic... if it's a group from the cover of dark, maybe Team Galactic... will be back? There's just no way to tell; the Unown are always vague." She looked back towards the entrance of the cavern, then examined the Unown again, mumbling the sentence to herself. "I was captured by someone a while ago, who wanted me to fight to the death instead of a normal Pokémon." The pain in her shoulder flared up again as she said this. "They could be part of the group."
((Yay! It took me a while to get the Pokemorph connection, actually. I read it, went to a different page for a bit, then came back and reread it. And then I had to think for a bit to actually put it together. But that was fun. ^^))

"So you think the people who captured you are part of…Team Galactic?" Noelle asked, stumbling on the unfamiliar name. Yes, she had heard about them, but history wasn't her thing. "What do we do, then, if they're hunting us? Do we hide? Do we try to find them and get rid of them?"
Tyson, although trying to mind his own buisness, could still somehow hear the conversation. He heard the whole thing. Is that what the writing meant? How to team Galactic come back? Many questions rushed through his head. He was confused.
((I put Leonard on standby for now))


Name: Daniel Lupian(Not Lu-Pain, Lup-yan/Lupy-(y)an) greenhorn(lol)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Team: Human

Appearance: First of all, Lupian has 1.8 meter of hieght. Second, Lupian wieghts,for most people's surprise, 100 pounds, meaning that he should be as thin as a stick- which he, in fact, isnt. He has medium length dark brown hair, and is a little tan. He usually wears a short shirt and long pants, but always has a long and thick shirt in his backpack. He has a few scars on his legs.

Personality: Lupian is a silent person, hardly ever talknig to anyone. He has no friends expect his pokemon, which may be the reason he is a little...Crazy. He thinks about his turtwig most of the time, one of the reasons he is his team's strongest member(that deosnt mean he has a wimpy team!)

History: He was tortured, raped, raped again, abused, misused, and tortured again because he was so incredible sexy. People did all thesr to him because he is so way pefect and awsome Daniel grew at a good familiy, and had quite a good life. His oldest brother, now 42 years old, used to be a trainer, and always let Daniel (when he was still in the 5-10 range) play with his Torterra. One of the reasons he chose to choose Turtwig as his starter pokemon was that he grew with a torterra.

Turtwig Tim. Unlike most turtwig, Tim can use earthquake and zen-headbutt.

Monferno Jimmy the flame. Can use flare blitz, close combat, flamethrower, dig, and some more moves.

PorygonZ Chama. Is programmed to think like a male pokemon,
and sometimes Daniel changes his programms(I.E. TO make him do certain things)

Staraptor Harry Hurricane. Can use ominous wind and close combat, along with brave bird and aerial ace.
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((Accepted, if you explain how the Turtwig learned Zen Headbutt. Was it through special training? Was one of his parents a Psychic-type?))

"The Unown runes don't say much," Crystal replied. "It makes them sound dangerous. And we don't know whether they're as dangerous as they sound, or less, or more. For now, we should try to stay away, and maybe think this through a little more."

She perked up, turning towards the exit and taking a few steps. "Also, we could look around to see if there are any more 'prophecies.'"
((Special training. Same for the Staraptor, which can learn brave bird, aerial ace and ominous wind. Ominous wind has to be tutored, though .Closse combat is a levlel up.))
Deciphering prophecies would be fun, although they would probably be ominous like this one…but, given that finding more meant going back up and taking the other route, Noelle was happy to oblige, eager to breathe normally even for a few moments. "I'll help," she called, following Crystal.

((Sorta failpost. ><))
((lol. Oh, about the lines of unown, yeah sorry, but oh well, editing time!))

Leo gazed into the distance as Noelle and Cyrstal debated what the lines of unown meant. From cover of dark,
a group, targeting those of
two bodies, one man.

Leo thought he agreed with Noelle when she said it might have meant the pokemorphs. Which would mean him. When Crystal said that she wanted to look for more unown writing Leo said "I'll come," and followed them out of the cavern.
((I know Staraptor could learn those. Cheek Veekun if you're not sure.
In which case, Accepted.))

Crystal nodded, heading up the passage quickly, and then turning to the other fork. She scratched out the arrow that she had drawn earlier, and headed deeper down the other passage. The darkness fully consumed her once again, and the jewel on her forehead gleamed as she traced her claws absentmindedly along the passage. There probably weren't going to be any chambers for a while; this seemed darker than the other tunnel, but at least it wasn't getting any darker. She would use Flash if it were possible, but it wasn't, so...
Asher instinctively looked on the walls. Now that the Unown were being looked at by his team members, he wanted to search for more clues. However he only found the moving letter-like creatures instead of actual inscriptions. It made him kind of sad, but he reminded himself that just searching was helping.

He brought his hand closer to the other side of the passage so that the fire could illuminate what he was looking at. Still no carvings, just black writing-like shapes with eyes in the middle of white dots.

He turned around and saw a bored-looking, stick-like Unown float past.
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