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Open As Darkness Falls

Crystal turned to Oliver. "Is it bleeding?" She asked, looking around for a tree with large leaves. "Especially tell me if it's bleeding badly. Or if it hurts badly." The Sneasel morph appeared to be thinking about something.
((giantnoob! My computer died around November. Being forced to be offline sucks. Okay, starting from when Noelle first fell asleep:

Staree flew down and picked up Tamra's left-behind camera. Noelle woke up and made a big deal about it but once the argument got bigger she slipped away to talk to Crystal. She let her join her to go to the Veilstone entrance to the ruins, and left. Everyone else followed them or joined them after flying most of the way.

Inside Veilstone, Crystal got kidnapped and we met Leonard. He and Tamra had an impromptu battle with no winner. Tamra and Leonard rescued Crystal (with Noelle helping only at the end and Oliver chickening out because Mercedes and I weren't on) only to have Tamra and Crystal re-kidnapped. Leonard hit a raw nerve in Noelle and did a few tests and took notes regarding stress and anger, then left. Staree agreed to help. We all saved the two girls.

Crystal went to the ruins and everyone stayed together to be safe and away from Veilstone, and Leonard and Tamra just had this massive fight…and you might just want to read the last page or so so you know exactly what's going on.

And Darksong, I thought we were still in the cave? Staree and Leonard went outside, but…))
((Crystal came out too because she heard a screech and thought it was from outside. I didn't know Oliver was in the cave, though... since I didn't mention exactly where she was at the point, I'll say she was in the cave.))
((Riiiight. The screech was from outside. -facepalm- I'm waiting for Mercedes, since Noelle and Crystal just asked Oliver questions.))
Random man: Not for long...))
Leonard shrugged, and recalled Clara, jumping on Zapper's back and flying towards Soleceon city and ruins. He already had a plan for certain cases...
He grabbed his notebook, and laughed when he saw the painting he made- it was one of Tamra- it looked so stupid, yet it was realistic. It looked like she was drug obsessed- exactly what he saw in Tamra. A drug obsessed psycho.
He started looing at his notebook, and smiled when he aaqw his first ever painting- a portrait, a not so good one, of Chompa when he was still a Gible. He put the notebook in his backpack, stretched, yawned and fell asleep on the (currently) flying Zapper.
A goofy grin plastered on his face, Oliver replied, "Yeah, it's bleeding a bit, but it's nothing too important. Don't worry, it happens all the time." In actuality, the last part was a lie. Oliver usually was careful with his claws, but this time he was too focused on other things to worry about not scratching himself. If anything, he just didn't want Noelle or Crystal to dwell too much on it or to be too concerned. When Noelle said something about not eating since yesterday, Oliver's belly growled in hunger. I'll just have to wait until later, I can hold on until then. I mean, I can't be that hungry.
The timing of Oliver's stomach growling was perfect to accentuate the point. Noelle sighed and glanced up at Crystal, wondering in the back of her mind what Oliver's overdone grin was for. "Not to sound rude, but…what are we doing here? Did you do whatever you were wanting to do?"
Leonard woke up when Zapper started shaking- it was because he was getting ready to land. He noticed both of their bellies growled- a good reason to use the berries he collected. "Take it and eat it"
He said, pushing a sitrus berry into Zapper's mouth, and eating one too.
"Well, I was still looking for the stone when I heard the screech," Crystal grumbled, resting a claw on the outside of the cave. "Right now, I want a Dawn Stone most. It sounds odd, since I'm part Dark, but they ARE ice-blue...." her eyes shimmered with desire. "Are you looking for anything?"
"Not really," Noelle said. "I wanted to look at the runes and look around in general, I guess, but the fact that half of them are pretty much unreadable has kinda put me off. Now I'm just…I don't actually know. I've just been watching the fight, expressing my hatred of Leonard and that Frosslass, and talking."

She glanced over at Leo, finally remembering him. He'd been so quiet, it was easy to miss. She felt tempted to call him over, but, knowing that he was shy, she decided against it and smiled at him instead, not caring if he noticed. Noelle turned her attention back to Crystal and Oliver, standing up properly so that, although she was still at least a foot shorter than both, she didn't feel quite as dwarf-like.
Zapper reached the ruins, flying over a 5 foot pillar. Leonard jumped off, landing on the pillar, maknig a backflip and lading in front of the Pillar iwth a thud and lots of dust. Leonard recalled Zapper, and released Chompada. "We're going to the ruins. Now."
Chompada(gabite) nodded and grinned, and followed Leonard who ran into the dark corridors of the ruins. Leonard reached his hand for a sharp rock in the wall to the left of ihm, and moved it, making the wall spin around and allow them ot enter it. Leonard entered the 'wall', while dragging Chompada with him.
((yay I'm back!))

Leo looked up from his thinking in time to see Noelle smiling at him. He smiled back hesitantly, but she had already turned back to Crystal and Oliver. He went back to his thinking. Man this has been a weird day...
((I have a feeling people will like it when I revive this. :D ))

Crystal nodded. "I'm going back in. Try not to get hurt while I'm gone," she grumbled, fading into the passage's welcoming darkness once more. She didn't notice small, abstract carvings on the walls, until the tunnel made an abrupt turn. Her night eyes glowed slightly, taking in what little light there was in here. Crystal traced the cracks with a claw. They probably didn't say anything, but they made a picture of an odd dragon-like Pokemon with huge wings. I think I'm getting somewhere. When she looked around, there was a fork, one wider passage and one more subtle. Does this lead to another place? Cautiously, she followed it, but scratched an arrow on the wall to show that she was there. It went deeper and deeper into the ground, with less air as she followed it. Without preparation, it would be unsafe to go any further, so she stopped in her tracks, looking around. The tunnel widened to create a cavern and, curious, Crystal took a few steps further. The dusty smell invaded her nose, but she ignored it as she saw more writing on the walls. Something floated beside her, and she turned to examine it; it was question mark-shaped. An Unown.
((Very much so. =D))

Noelle debated whether or not to just sit down and try to sleep. But she had come here to look around, right? And Crystal was going down a promisingly long passage.

Following the hall, looking around and paying attention to the runes, she nearly walked into the wall signaling a turn in the passage, as well as a smaller fork. Worry tightened her stomach, but disappeared abruptly when she noticed the arrow scratched into the wall, pointing towards the smaller path.

The air got harder and harder to breathe as the passage got deeper, and Noelle had to stop to keep her mind from forcing her back. If Crystal had gone this way, she could too. Despite the fact that you have tiny lungs compared to her? No, she couldn't think like that.

She caught sight of Crystal, but didn't dare move forward after that. She knew her head was making the thin air into a bigger deal than it was…but it was still scary. Not wanting to sit down and get deeper underground, Noelle watched an Unown float up to Crystal; a question-mark shaped one.

Okay, now she had to go down there.

Doing so, she was able to convince herself that there was the same amount of air and that she would be able to breathe. Still, she was breathing hard when she slowed her approach as not to scare the Pokemon away.
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