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Open As Darkness Falls

"Who knows. Anyhow, Chompada hates all of his rivals, meaning every dragon pokemon, even morphs and females."
Leonard said, and stroked Zapper softly.
"That is very common between two dragon types. Even if it is a morph."

((Congrats on becoming metapod! and check my post in the pokemon buying thingy in Anime style battling.))
Leonard shrugged. "Who knows. At the moment, Chompada is thinking about eating much more than about breeding, anyway. By the way, are you going to stay here with me ad rest a little, or are you in a hurry? This place is quite comfortable, expect for these peksy Duskulls. Almost as bad as that tamra morph."
He sat down, and released Chompada, who snatched the rice ball in Leonard's hand the moment he saw it and ate it.
"Fair enough, then you wont care to stay a little, rest and eat, right? Chompada, dragon pulse."
Leonard put several rocks and twigs on the rocky floor, then some straw, and Chompada released a blue jet of flaems on the bundle. Leonard then grabbed several marshmellows(eew.), and skewered them on a stick, and roosting them no the fire.
"Fair enough" Leonard said, and took seven steel bowls from his pocket. They were relative small. Leonard then grabbed a small box, and opened it, letting a small stream of yellow apple chuncks(sour) enter the bowl, unitl it was filled to the end. Then, he took several dried strawberries, and put them in another bowl. After that, he grabbed put a two steaks in two different bowls, and loaded them with pepper. ((Meh, the magic pocket that can contain a lot.)) he then grabbed some small strawberries, loaded with sugar, and put them in the final bowl.
Finally, he filled the last two bowls and filled them with sweetcorn.
Then, he grabbed all of his pokeballs, and released his pokemon, which stormed the food-
Larry(rampardos) and Chompada the spicy steak, Lancelot the sweetcorn, Clara the dried food, Lenny(turtwig) the apple chunks, and Zapper the strawberries.
Leonard started eating from his sweetcorn, not really liking it.
((Meh, long pause post. Hehehehe...))

((Forgot to mention- its a backpack and not a pocket))
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Noelle as a blood-curdling screech rang through the room. She clutched at her head and the migraine that would surely follow. Looking back at the wall, she saw that many cracks littered the wall, making it near impossible to read the faded runes. And sh couldn't concentrate with that headache.

Growling, she stood up. "What the hell was that, Leonard? You've just half-destroyed historical writings, and you've given everyone severe migraines! Do you not get that the people who don't want you around are just might be the sane ones?!"

((Don't fill a whole page with two people! You didn't get much done (if anything), and now everyone has to read through it. D=))
Leonard shrugged. "First, Im not like other trainers- I allow my pokemon to follow their desires. Most trainers see them as fighting machines- I see them in friends, pets and much more. Also, Clara would have shouted outside or in the soleceon ruins, so the damage would simply be in another place. Anyhow, her desire to shout is stilled for the next month."
He stroked Clara- although the others didnt notice it, the scribbles on his side of the tunnel were still full- in fact, the screech made a roc kfall from the wall- a rock that was engraved from the inside side, meaning that it seemed totally normal until someone would examine it closely. Leonard packed it in his backpack.
"Also, raven morph, these who dont like me might be the sane ones, however, they arent."
He grinned. Msot of the morphs hated him, expect for Staree. He grabbed the bowls, which were empty, and looked at his dizzy friends- the food surely was hard to digest.
"Also, the screech was not an attack- that was acctualy a breeding cry. Too bad we arent in snowpoint town right now- around here this wont have any effect, expect if some trainer with a glalie or some other ice pokemon would show up."
Leonard put the stuff in his backpack, and leaned against a wall, put his backpack near him, and curled with his pokemon- that is, Zapper, Chompada, Lenny(turtwig), and Lancelot. Clara and Larry were too cold and big, and sat down next to each other.
Leonard yawned ,and closed his eyes. However, he wasnt really falling asleep- he knew how to relax and still stay awake.
((Last action is an attribute from me and my neighbour friend. Meh.))
"Okay, first, outside would have been better! Mating call or not, it would have done much less damage and the runes would be readable! Not to mention that we're in a cave, which echoes, and therefore multiplies the sound until you give people headaches! Oh, but of course Sir-Cotton-Puff doesn't care, as long as his own head has no migraine!" Noelle spat.

"And second, if you have eyes, ravens are black. I'm mostly a Noctowl morph, which is about the farthest thing from a raven, the only similarity being wings-" at this she held her arms to the side patronizingly- "which is so obvious it isn't worth mentioning to anyone with a brain. To sum everything up, you're an annoying pain in the butt who nobody really want around, except Staree, possibly."
Tamra joined in Noelle's yelling, repeating what cotton balls to the brain didn't hear earlier.

"No one wants you here, asswipe, why don't you go away with your stupid mindless Pokemon and go try to find yourself a girlfriend? Oh wait, with-" she stopped, realizing everyone was younger than her, and what she was about to say might not be.. a good idea. "With your small junk, you'll never get anyone good," she finished, a bit anticlimatically. Turning to Noelle, she lowered her voice so only they could hear each other.

"We should've tossed him out of the cave while he still had the cotton balls in his ears," Tamra muttered.
Tiredly cringing inside at Tamra's choice of words, Noelle muttered, "He probably wouldn't even have noticed us, since he seems to be colour-blind and is so unobservant." Glancing at Sir-Cotton-Puffs himself, she said, even quieter, "Maybe if we're quiet we can still do it now."
Even though there was a side to him that wanted to join in on Noelle and Tamra's side, Oliver refrained from making it any worse. Awww... screw it. He couldn't refrain himself from saying anything. "Just ignore the idiot, there's no use in stooping down to his level by throwing insults back," he remarked, and inwardly braced himself for the possibility that the insults would be next thrown at himself.
Noelle rolled her eyes at Oliver. "Someone has to let him know he's not loved. And besides," she continued quietly, "Throwing him out of the cave is different than throwing insults at him."
Tamra snorted, and thought of blowing a few Dragon Pulses at that faggot hiding behind his wall, before thinking better of it. "Well, it is true, why's the guy here if he doesn't like any of us and we don't like him?"
((bzzzt dragon has used up her swear word/derogatory term limit for the hour

she'll see you inna bit))
"I am not gonna even say anything... I'm not getting involved in this. Tamra, in your language, I'm saying I'm gonna shut the F*** up. And sheesh Leonard made a mistake when he met us, but thats no reason to insult him."
Leonard rolled his eyes. "Shees,h I should have helped these galactic guys when they tried to capture you. At least that would have given me the delight to see the devil being tortured...The devil thats called 'tamra'."
Leonard stood up, and picked his stuff, recalling all of his pokemon but Zapper and Clara.
"Go on" He whispered while climbing on Zapper's back. He then glanced at staree. "A lesson for my life- almost no morph in our round world is sane or not an ass hole. I'd say you're an expection, but nevermin it. You're probably staying with these creaures- although you arent half as low as them. If I were you, I would try my luck somewhere else. Goodbye then" He said in a small voice, that only Staree could hear. Zaper flew out, and CLara went to the tunnels entrance- they were in the side they came from. Clara coughed sielntly, and then released another blood freezing cry. Leonard grinned, and recalled Clara. He then gave Zapper a small slap on his shoulders, and the two flew away.
((Meh, since all players are pokemorphs, my only choice is acctualy to be either Lars or to become a villian. Meh. Expect if somenoe creates trainer bios or the ones who created some were to pop up.))
Noelle tried to cross her arms, failed because of her wings, and settled for clenching her fists. "While I'm happy he's gone, he just called me either insane or an asshole. Great." She wearily slumped against the unbroken wall and traced the runes tiredly, muttering something about 'defacing historical writings'. Her eyes caught a word. Love. She snorted. Plenty of that going around today, huh?
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