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Open As Darkness Falls

Noelle turned her head sharply at the sound of scuffling feet. Oliver seemed to be steadying himself after presumably tripping over the rock behind him. He looked hilarious, and Noelle couldn't help but laugh. Realizing that Oliver was embarrassed enough without her rubbing salt in the wound, made obvious by the red flush that his face was taking on, she immediately felt guilty. She walked over to apologize, but was distracted by the antics of Sir-Annoying (as she had recently dubbed him) and Tamra. While it was futile to argue in their little group, Noelle had to admit that it was amusing entertainment.
Leonard grabbed Lancelot, and whispered something in his ear. He zoomed to the exit of the secret room, and flew up, flying back soon enough. "Good, very good."
He muttered while looking on his notebook- it was full of portraits- Noelle in a funny pose, Oliver with hears instead of eyes, altough it looked surprisingly similiar, and a painting of tamra, looking just like her, with a sword in her chest.
Finally, a picture of crystal, chained on a wall.
Expect of these, there were only happier pictures of his partners.
((Well, your neighbour is a faggot, and you play him well. :3))

"Wow, 'Tamra the stupid,' this guy must be some serious shit," the morph in question muttered under her breath. "Let's see.. failing at sarcasm, check, thinking he's incredibly funny when he isn't, check, mental condition seeping into the Pokemon and people around him.." With a quick glare at the Gabite, she blinked.

"Check. Looks good to go." Tamra rubbed her claws together, creating a small spark of fire and moving her claw in front of her, letting the flame float in front of her. Why waste energy fighting a pointless fight with a stuck up bastard?

"Hey, asswipe," she called. "No one here likes you, if you haven't noticed, and you're not being a big help, or a help at all. Why don't you go disappear onto your slasher chatroom and stalk little girls?"

((We need this DD:))
((My neighbour always was good at attacking in mock battles and bad in defending.
I Suck in both. Good for a person who'se evil on the internet and nice in real life. Meh))

However, Tamra's words came too late- Leonard has already put a thick woolball in each ear. All he could hear from what Tamra said was "Ch...S...Ch.."
Leonard laughed again. With the woolballs in his ears, he wont hear a word from the dragon morph. At least, he would notice some sounds, enough for him to know when to be alert. "If you'll die, would you like to be served well done or raw? Your flesh is rotten anyway, just as much as you're mind, but, eh, one has to learn that around 20 percent of the people are idiots. I presume you belong to them. Anyway, would you like me to feed Grimers or rattatas?
Ah, now I know!
The right pokemon to eat your rotten flesh is magikarp!"
As everyone knows, magikarp is almost the weakest pokemon in the world- being eaten by one is a real shame for most people.

((Meh, that reminds me of the day he tried to stab a random guy and asked him if he prefers to be eaten by his gold fish or cokroaches. Meh.
Luckily he didnt stab the guy.))
"God damnit this is taking long... I'd better just go in." After a few minutes in the ruins, Staree managed to find out where Leonard was. "Hey Leonard, whats with the puff balls?"
Leonard grabbed a luxus ball ,and released zapper. "Protect, Zapper."
Zapper, Leonard, Chompada and Staree were now in a green bubble, which was sound and attack proof. "What did you say?"
He asked, and pulled the woolballs out of his ears.

Leonard opened his backpack ,and started searcing, until he found what he looked for- a small pistol that contained sleep balls, which ,obviuosly, make people, pokemon and morphs alike fall asleep.

((Chao left and me too soon.))

Leonard, while waiting for a response, sat down and started painting Chompada and succeding, before he had to recall him for trying to eat the notebook.

((Im surrounded by girls! HELP!))
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((We don't bite... hard anyway. Haha. Just kidding. xD))

Shaking his embarrassment off, Oliver mainly listened to Tamra and Leonard arguing. He really just wanted to go over and ask them to stop, but he really didn't think it was going to make much of a difference. And if he did that, he could risk getting fried to a crisp or something like that. He just really hoped it didn't break out into a fight. And if it did, well, he guessed he would try to interfere. Hopefully, in that situation, he wouldn't freeze up.
((Naw, we don't bite. We just paint your nails and make you watch horrifyingly romantic chick-flicks. xD))

Remembering why she had walked over in the first place, Noelle tapped Oliver on the shoulder and said, "Sorry I laughed when you tripped. You just looked really, really funny." She grinned, but quickly sobered. "Um, but I'm still sorry."
((^ Omg... YES. xDDDD))

Oliver chuckled softly, a bit embarrassed still. "Haha... that? Oh it's fine. It's nothing to be sorry about, I probably looked like an idiot anyway," he started blabbing. No... it wasn't probably. I know I looked like an idiot...
((Want to curl his hair, too? xD Or we could…uh…muahahaha. We could put him in a dress.))

"Ah…" Oliver's words had brought back the memory of him leaning forward, flailing his arms and simultaneously trying not to draw attention to himself. A string of giggles Burst from her mouth. When she was finally able to stop, she smiled and continued observing the two fighting. She considered stopping them, but they wouldn't listen to her. She was twelve. And Leonard hated her. And they really hated each other. Noelle would only get pushed aside and forgotten about instantly.
((Ooh~ And then we could put a tiara on him and then maybe some makeup, like eyeshadow and mascara. Okay, I'm getting way too amused at this. xD))

Oliver just smiled when Noelle started laughing. It was pretty funny. And usually, he wasn't the clumsy type, so he was sure it looked even more silly than it had felt. For the first time, he actually kinda felt like he fit in... well, in an odd sorta way at least. But he had never really had any friends before, and he guessed this was the closest thing that he'd ever get to friends. It was more like a really disfunctional family, but he didn't dare say that to anyone.
((Amusement is good. I'm amused, too. Too bad Twiggy left and he can't read this conversation. He'd probably be so horrified he'd only be able to scream, "NOOOO!" Or something. Maybe something less dramatic.))

Getting bored of the bickering, which was settling down for the moment, Noelle walked back over to the ruins and started reading the random words and phrases. Happiness. Left. Together. Dark. Two steps. Nothing really meaning anything, but it was cool to read such old writing.

The novelty was wearing off, though; she saw these things back at the Solaceon Ruins. Noelle considered going to sleep, but she figured that others would probably carry her rather than wake her. That had happened once at home, and it had been disorienting (and though she wouldn't admit it, a little scary). She instead sat down to look at the lower runes, hoping to conserve her fading energy.
((Im here, waiting for chao spriter, acctualy.))
Leonard yawned. As a 14 year old kid, he was able to stay awake for 20 hours, athough that has some side-effects. He grabbed a sitrus berry, and ate it, the strong taste making him feel awake again. Since the staraptor didnt respond, he figured a small pause wont harm- After all, he was the only one with a ride-able, flying and fresh pokemon.

((Phooy! You'd better stay away from me! First, most people who meet me wish to never do so again. Second, did I tell you that the last time I washed was last week? MUHAHAHA!
Its not hard to imitate my (freaki-ish) neighbour in his simple action of not taking a shower for weeks.))
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((Im here. a few posts back , you asked what I said. im responding.))

" I was asking why you have cotton balls in your ears... But I think I found out. Tamra being a Bitch?"
Leonard grinned and nodded. The protect bubble had a funny fact- people on the outside could hear and see what happens in the bubble, but inside the bubble nothing can be heared. "You know what? I never heared words which have more sense in them. Anyway, I already have a list of reasons for the police to attack us.

We have...
A flirter to flirt with the Officers,
A crazy dragon morph, and, Um, I dont see any other reasons, but the first one are good reasons. Anyway, its time to cover our ears- Clara, my Froslass, feels like using a screech."
Leonard put tow cotton balls in his ears, one for each, in Chompada's ears, and handed Staree two.
Clara(froslass) crossed her arms, somewhat in the from of an X-scizzor attack, and slashed downwards, releasing a blood freezing screech. Leonard put his hands on his ears- the cottonballs helped, but he still needed to cover his ears with his hands. After a short while, she quit screeching- first, the others should have quite a headache. Second, there were several cracks in the wall, making the runes on them quite unread-able. Third, a swarm of zubat panicked and flew out of the cave.


( ! means a wall, L means Leo, C- chompada and Clara, S means Staree, T Tamra, N and O mean Lovier- err, Oliver and Noelle.)))
((acctualy, its called "Effect", not "Affect".

Effect means an effect, like that of the screech.
Affect means to affect someone- to do him pain, to make him jealous, et cetera.))

Leonard nodded while he took the cottonballs. "True."
Leonard recalled Clara- now Zapper and Chompada were out. "It seems she hates my Gabite. Well, seems there's a rivality between the two races- the wimpy crossbreed and the incredible pureblood. Anyhow, they will need a lot of time to reach the ruins. How about we relax a little?
After all, I can ride on zapper."
Suddenly, a small skull left the wall to the left- a duskull. "You again? Fair enough.."
He grabbed the drilling machine, and activated it, creating lots of noise. The Duskull panicked and flew away. Leonard deactived the machine and sat down.
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