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Open As Darkness Falls

Leonard chuckled. "Isnt it obvious that Chompada, a Gabite, knows dig?"
Leonard said and grabbed a hyper ball, releasing a Gabite.

((May the screw it concert begin!))

((Machamps: SCREW IT!
Golbat: SCREEW IT!
Crobat(and the others in a small volume):(high tone) SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW IT!
((It's a hidden storage room. You can't see it specifically from the air and there are a lot of passageways. And we were put in shackles just before we were thrown in. I said no plot controlling, and right now you're messing up the plot unless I think of something else.))

"I don't think they'll fall for mere traps," Crystal said, shaking herself off. "We should get away from Veilstone if we don't want to be caught again. It will lower our chances, at least." She started to head south, and reminded them, "I was trying to get to an alternate entrance to the ruins anyway."
"Ok. The trap from the chains, if any, might be underground. so if we can get Chompada to dig under the chains, he can see if there are any traps."

(( Sorry about the plot controlling. So wait. Did we swich to when you were in shackles, or freed? My mistake about the room. must've missed that.))
((Meh, it was acctualy Chao who messed it up. And I know from personal experience thats it senseless to tell other players to delete their posts.))

((Meh, how about more characters are kidnapped now?

Or, you colud say that one of these mysterious people shows up with his mega- strong servant, we fight, get distracted, Tamra&Crystal are moved away, blabla yadda yadda.))

((Have to go for a stroll, back in around 30 minutes.))
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"You have any idea where it is, Crystal?" As Staree said that, he was hoping they wouldn't find out about his secret room. (That room is important to him because there is more there than just a room.)
((Chao Spriters: We're free. I'll think of something else.

Twiggy for victory: I know. I didn't say to delete his post.))

"It's somewhere near the beginning of the route," Crystal replied, "On a rocky ledge. I've passed by before, but now I want to explore."
(God I'm rrunning out of things I can say on these posts... )

(She does know where it is...) "Well, I've heard the last two unknowns are in there... ((I told you im running out of ideas... I will shut my mouth now. I just hope something happens.))
leonard scratched his head. "That might be not so easy. All these evil organisations arent stupid- they surely knew that we'll come and will happily greet us with a few big pokeomn like tyranitars and dragonites. Maybe some poison types. nevermind- we have to get outta here, and quickly."
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((I'm just waiting for someone to make something interesting happen))

"Thats true... We pokemorhs were made for creating a new world... we were saved, and now they are trying to contain us again. Then again, we gotta thank the old team Galactic. They made our lives interesting, and you gotta admit it's pretty cool be half pokemon sometimes. But this also puts us in danger..."
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((Dammit, I always miss the battle scenes. DD:))

Distracted, it didn't register in his mind that he should've been in the warehouse sooner; everything had just seemed like a blur. He was expecting there would be something left for him to do, but he guessed there wasn't. Ugh... I need to quit being useless. He walked until he heard familiar voices. It sounded like the human, Staree, and... Crystal? Oliver went faster, hoping that everyone was okay. He stopped in his tracks when he had found them all. A grin appeared on his face and relief swept over him. It seemed that they had freed Crystal and Tamra.

"You're okay sweeti- Crystal?" he asked, having to correct himself.
Leonard graoned, and put covered his face in one hand, while murmmling "oh dear.."
Leonard then chuckled. "Seems someone is trying his luck with every single girl in the world, huh? Nevermind, we have to get Crystal, and, although I really dont like the thought of it, the dragon morph. We'd better hurry- these guys are always full of surprises."
Leonard jupmed on zappers back, and made some strange sound from his muot,h maknig a Gabite jump from a hole in the floor and land next to the togekiss. "Anyone wants a ride? Acctualy, only Crystal would need it- She's the one who took wounds. Msiter Romeo and the flying Morphs should manage to get out by themselves."
"I'm fine," Crystal replied, shaking herself off a bit. "Except my wrists are kind of sore. Let's hope I don't have to dig much when I go into the ruins." She looked back at Oliver, then turned to Staree. "That's right... but that was a long time ago. Looks like they're acting again, and we're all in danger, as you said. I don't think any of us are sure what to do so we probably just have to live normally and kind of..." the Sneasel morph sighed. "Blend in. And I guess exploring the ruins counts." She quickly entered the route south of Veilstone, whose number she had forgotten, and looked around for the rocky ledge. There, on her right. There was something that appeared to be a cave entrance up there. Bravely, Crystal began to climb. It was actually quite easy, and she soon hoisted herself up onto the ledge, looking for the others.
Leonard was silent, and recalled Chompada, then stroking Zapper's head, making him fly 100 feet upwards, and follow the sneasel morph- that wasnt hard, since it was already around afternoon.
Staree had flown to the ruins, but it took longer due to his wings being damaged. He still managed to get to the ruins first, (I think) and he quickly entered and made sure his room was sealed. It was. He left the ruins and waited outside.

((Be back later))
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((Big long confusing thing, and then the plot got messed up, and then they got it back on track. Basically, they're
free and we're leaving to get away from Veilstone.))

Noelle hadn't really registered that she was to follow Leonard in, but Oliver did after a few minutes, which reminded her. She wasn't able to get a word in, though, and Crystal abruptly headed south. She quickly followed behind, and flew to the top of the ledge rather than climbing. She was still tired and only made it high enough to grasp the edge with her hands, but was able to scramble up.

Oliver wasn't very good at climbing, because of the fact that his claws always got in the way. He followed the others, wishing he had wings at that exact moment. Well, I guess it won't be that bad, he thought as he tried to get up onto the ledge. It took him a few tries, but he managed to get himself up there. He was going to shake the dirt off his clothes with his hands when he realized that may be problematic because of his claws. Oliver shrugged and joined the others.
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